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Everything posted by christo-f

  1. Oh yes, to say the Palestinians want to destroy Israel and kill all Jews is only stating the most extreme position held by some Palestinians, by far not all. When exactly was it that it was offered to return to the Green Line.
  2. I am aware of the historical timeline (not as much as you, but aware none the less) when it comes to land ownership, it becomes a pretty hard thing as ownership is always a flowing and dynamic thing. If you go way back in history to claim ownership, Australia, America, New Zealand, parts of Scandinavia, China, etc. will all have to change hands again. When I talk about taking people's land I guess I'm referring to the houses and farms that have been established for a few generations that get bulldozed or settled on. There are many places in the West Bank that have recently been taken or destroyed for strategic purposes. This is a current problem and I feel makes the situation worse. I have no problem with the he state of Israel more so it's expansion. I know that there was never a state/nation called Palestine, but the fact is that when Israel was formed, there were people living there and this needs to be accommodated for. Now, I know that the Palestinians have not helped themselves in the least in this respect either, I feel both sides have made mistakes in the process. I feel those driven by religious fundamentalism on either side are the core of the problem (I'm referring to the Zionist expansionists on the Jewish side). Also the act of God helping Israel win the war was probably more so an act of America supporting Israel during the Cold War. I'm also aware of the concessions Israel has and does make for the Palestinians and respect them for doing so. As for the comment you didn't understand, I'm referring to the fact how you say the fighters hide amongst civilians. My point is that these people are not a standing army or state controlled organisation. They are are a militant element of the civilian population. That means the live with the civilians, work amongst the civilians because they are civilians. I understand that gunmen move amongst crowds of rock throwing kids, etc. That's not what I'm referring to here. More so when air strikes hit and so on. anyway, this is one of the most complex situations in the world and for all concerned I hope both sides can moderate their positions and come to mutual agreement. One of the first steps would definitely be getting rid of Hamas and changing the mindset in Gaza.
  3. Absobloodyfuckinlootly fake...., unless Nana puts up.
  4. I think that the US has far too many guns already in action to make gun control useful. However, other countries that don't have the prevalence of guns the US does can benefit from control. I completely disagree with the idea that you have to defend yourself against your own government (in the vast majority of developed countries), also , fuck em, I pay my taxes, they can do their job. That's pretty much my stand in a nutshell. I don't think you can arm everybody in the US, take that 16 year old kid that got shot for the snowball for instance. I mean can kids be trusted with firearms? So there will always be innocent victims I guess. Either way, maybe we should just ban people instead. Over and out.
  5. I've never seen a Rocky or a Rambo movie..., for good reason I'd think too. But I've at least heard of them! Is Mel Gibson Australian? Yeah, only when he's not acting like a religious bigoted idiot though. Are you aware that these people are also australian: Russell Crowe Elle McPhearson Geoffrey Rush Heath Ledger Toni Collette Anthony LaPaglia Nicole Kidman Eric Bana Hugh Jackman Naomi Watts Hugo Weaving Kate Blanchet Rupert Murdoch (owner of Fox/News Ltd...., we're not proud of it).
  6. I want to believe that you were trolling me, but your other arguments do point towards a certain lack of logical thought processes. Distorted stats? Where? How many school shootings has New Zealand, Canada, Norway, Australia, Spain, Japan, Korea etc. had?
  7. Convince you of what, that you're actually gay???!! GET UP TO YOUR NUTS IN GUTS BRO!!!! Don't forget to take compromising pictures that could come in handy later for workplace blackmailing....
  8. Shit dude, bad news. Now might not be the best time to give advice, but fuck it, you can't touch me; TAKE BETTER CARE OF YOUR KIT IF YOU WANT TO KEEP IT!!!
  9. You are disregarding one very important part of the picture here; these people ARE the civilian population. They are not an army or arm of the government (Hamas withstanding in Gaza..., man I hate those clowns!). how are civilians supposed to stop being civilians? Couldn't agree more, it's sickening and bewildering to see what the children are bought up with being put in their heads, especially in Gaza. Absolutely primitive and self destructive. Yes, but you could add to this "When we stop stealing their land and return to the green line.". I believe that Israel should abandon all settlements and return to behind the green line, build a whal, do what ever you want. but get back behind the pre-67 borders. The Jewish extremists are just as much of the problem as the extremists the other side of the fence. The Knesset had it right in Gaza. Now they have a lot more legitimacy to return very heavy fire and even send in troops for ground offensive when the rockets come over...., as the have been en masse of late.
  10. yeah but what the hell does that have to do with coercing a change in policy of a particular state..., state referring to government??? Yep, I agree with you. But then again, what if the civillians were living on the land that was stolen from you? Please, don't take this as an attempt to justify the fucking stupidity of suicide bombing and the indiscriminate firing of katyushas, etc. But, then again, what do you do to the people who have taken your home from you for religious reasons?
  11. Oh dear lord, you are either blind or retarded. Hmmmm, the country doesn't have a uniform gun control law, of course guns will cross borders. If the country had strong gun control laws in the past it would be much harder for for the crims to get guns in the first place. But, that's all too late now. It doesn't matter what states are no gun zones, they are next to states that aren't and the fire arms will be trafficked in anyway. I was right, you are completely retarded, let me show you why: My first post in the thread: This is where I first state that gun control is probably no longer suited to the US. This means that I don't think we should try and remove guns from American citizens. Hey look, in post #38 I explicitly stated that I think it's too late to try and remove guns from the Us, I even said that the opposit should be done! And here's where I agree with some saying that arming people is probably the only way to fix the problem: And another time I agreed with the idea: In post #139 I stated as plain as day for any normal person to understand: In post #146 I even put it in bold type to try and help you understand that I don't thin removing guns from US citizens is any longer a feasible idea: And again in #147: Buuuut you still keep on saying the same old shit. Are you aware that 1. I don't think taking guns from American citizens is a good idea? and 2. That I have been discussing gun control in other countries that are not called America (yes, there is such a thing). I seriously hope that you have just been trolling me, because you seriously cannot be that blind to what I have been saying through this whole thread....
  12. Apparently Israel has recently warned Lebanon that it intends to escalate the military relationship with Hizbollah in the near future. Saudi Arabia Kuwait and Bahrain have all issued travel advisories against travel to Lebanon. The talk is that Hizbollah is planning to launch a large scale campaign of kidnapping of western targets. It is unknown if this is in response to to the Mugniyah assassination, Israel's current threat of escalating the issue or whether Israel's actions are/were a response to these plans.
  13. No disrespect to you guys and your country, but fuck I'm glad that kind of shit doesn't go down where I live!
  14. http://www.12ozprophet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=123962 It's the kid's own fault for not having a fire arm on his person ready to protect himself.
  15. Ahahahahaaaa, you're one of those dudes that hears voices in your head aren't you? Who said anything about genocide ya loony?! Pretty sure I always stated that no country IN THE DEVELOPED WORLD, that means not africa, most of Asia and some of South America. That's where you have genocide. Guess what, Australia, Sweden, New Zealand, Norway, Canada, Spain, etc. don't have genocide, NEITHER DO THEY HAVE MASS SHOOTINGS IN SCHOOLS, CHURCHES AND SHOPPING CENTERS! Do I believe that crims can walk in to shops and buy guns, nah, but people who shoot up colleges can! Meh, military weapons, hand guns made only for killing people, take your pick. Society can do without them all. Against self defence? MY COUNTRY ISN'T AFLOOD WITH CRIMS WHO HAVE GUNS AND PEOPLE SHOOTING UP SCHOOLS! What the hell have I got to defend myself against other than the sort that can be sorted out in an unarmed fashion? NONE, that's because we have gun laws! :) Haha Hitler was democratically elected, THAT MEANS THEY DIDN'T WANT TO THROW HIM OUT!!!! Panzers down the street, HAAAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!! Yep, my government's sole purpose is destroy my country and enslave us all and the whole military and police force is in on it too! Hahahahahaaa Dude, you're as fringe element as it gets. Do you realise that there is a whole normal world out there that doesn't live in fear of everyone else? That's where I live. anyway, thanks mate, it's been fun. Look forward to reading about you in the news.
  16. No way dude, Chechnya's all over it......:rolleyes: Ps, stop following me in threads.
  17. Dude, you'd really do yourself a favour if you just stopped replyi........ Nah fuck it, fight to the death dude, don't take any shit from these fags! I got your back bro, you go first!
  18. Hang on, you need to pay closer attention. I said: "I'd define it as causing extreme fear to a civilian populace in an attempt to force a state to change existing policy". Can't see how a bully could do that in a playground. It was a miscommunication before, that's why I arced up. Will have a better reply soon. Also, pay closer attention to my posts that say we are not arguing the legitimacy of using such tactics, just that the tactics are a certain method.
  19. Hey angelofdeath, here you go! Gunmen wounded eight people including three children in a shooting in southern Los Angeles today, emergency services said. Three girls aged 10, 11 and 12 were hospitalised in critical condition along with a 49-year-old woman, city fire service spokeswoman Lisa Davies said. Four other people were also injured. Police were hunting two men who opened fire as the victims waited for a bus about 3.15pm (1015 AEDT Friday) and then fled, police spokesman Jason Lee said. AFP It's a great thing these idiots were able to freely acquire weapons and shoot kids up, it's their right god damnit! Maybe if those silly liberal 10, 11 and 12 year old were packing heat they wouldn't have been shot! Newsflash, these guys still would have shot at least 3-5 people before anyone could have pulled their weapon out and returned fire. These guys are in a speeding car, unless the bystanders were crack shots and using well zeroed assault rifles, the chances of scoring a winning hit is pretty close to zero. But let's defend the right of the murderers and crazies to freely buy weapons. I know it's too late to do anything about it now, but the original idea of allowing people to freely buy whatever weapon they want leads to this outcome. Now you're all in the shit because all the morons have guns and are shooting up the peaceful people. Great policy, sustainable culture!:rolleyes: I'm happy this does not happen on a regular basis in my country. I support the strict gun laws we have. I am not afraid my government is going to kill me or take away my freedom. If I am, I'll campaign to have them deposed in the next democratic election.
  20. Yeah, because being a pain in the arse to people driving down a road is far more entertaining.... retard.
  21. Do you think it's impossible for a state to commit terrorism? Of course fringe groups commit terrorism and if Al Gore strapped on a bomb vest or sent anthrax to Congress he's be a terrorist too. So, you going to offer a definition, make constructive criticism of mine or just dribble shit?
  22. You are aware that the United States is not the whole world, yes? You are aware that I HAVE SAID SO MANY FUCKING TIMES THAT THE UNITED STATES IS PAST GUN CONTROL, YES? You are aware that countries like Australia, Canada, New Zealand, England, Sweden, Norway, Spain, Japan, Taiwan, etc. have strong gun control and low violent crime rates, yes? You are aware that in our countries it's not disarming victims BECAUSE OUR CRIMS AREN'T ARMED WITH MILITARY STYLE WEAPONS. any idea why we don't have crazy people running everywhere with guns? BECAUSE WE HAVE STRICT GUN CONTROL!!!! You are aware that none of us in our respective countries are scared that the government boogie man is coming to get us, yes? You are aware that no other developed country in the world has mass shootings on the scale of America, yes? No, I don't think you are, because you seem to be making an argument based on the US and the US only. You should travel some day, it might cure this paranoia you seem to have.
  23. Are you kidding?! If the esky only had VB in it, I'd prefer to get eaten by a shark! Blehhhh!
  24. What makes you think "the people" are all going to agree with each other and not start fighting over what's right and wrong?
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