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Everything posted by ms.seyer

  1. Dear vacation, This i nice, but landing a job soon would be even better. -seyer Dear virture, Whats up how you been? -sey Dear cali, Whats uuuup?! -seysey Dear rooollfffff haggozz, Hahahaha you've got huge tits then if you've got coffee stain nips. I always got the impression that you were on the thin side. -seyseysey
  2. You're a light sleeper. ^ I'm able to sleep once the sun comes up. The fuck is up with that?
  3. This sleep thing has not been happening again for me lately.
  4. ^^Lucky! Currently trying to wake my friends up so we can go out but they're all still asleep.
  5. Dear Roolf, Haha you got man boobs? I'm heading back to the gym again this week as well. le sigh -seyer
  6. Dear drunk horny girl, Let chubbs brush yo teefs yo! -seyerrr Dear roolf haggoz, Hope you had a goot new yearz! -seyeyseysey!!!
  7. Dear Cali, Ohhh shiiit you told herr! Foreal though, don't let bitches take advantage. -seyerrrr
  8. Dear family, You can all kiss my ass. When I'm successful and drowning in $ don't come to me and ask for help. Beg for mercy. -seyer Dear neighbors, You're a bunch of cool people. Thanks for the wine and chocolate covered almonds. I'll best do this day with class and stay home and indulge. -seyzilla
  9. Dear holidays, Fuck you, I'm not feelin it. Bah hum bug! -seyer
  10. Dear friend, I'm a good friend, but I'm sorrry you can't seem to value a friend who's there for you even after repetitively disrespecting them. See, I don't judge like you. I know those other people you hang out with now are more "hip." I'm sorry I'm not hipster enough to be considered cool in your eyes. When all breaks down, I'm still your friend, but I don't know if you'll do the same for me, but I'm not expecting. People like me are the only solid friends for whores like you. -MS
  11. Dear Warriors, YES! Job well done finally. -seyerr
  12. Dear INJ, I'm sorry about your dog. Lo siento :( -seysey
  13. Dear rolf haggggizz, Hope that swiness is gone by now! For the yob thing, just trying to get whatever I can. -seyseysey Dear sun dried tomato hummus dip, You are crack to me! stop it! -sey
  14. Dear roolf Haggenazz, Damn! i had no idea the swine flu bug went all the way up there too! Get well soon buddy. -seyseysey! Dear Virtue, I hear ya on that turn signal thing. It pisses me off too haha -roadrage1er Dear jobs I applied at, Someone pleeease hire me, I'm trainable, hardworking, and honest. I'm also great at customer service, get rid of your rude prudes and get meeee. Kthnx! -MS
  15. Dear new neighbor, I see that you're into some mook stuff, We just might get along fine. -seyer
  16. Dear symbols, That's awful, hopefully no whey gets into your food in the future! Oh and my ex is weird I'm on that "i cant believe i was with you" type thing with him. -seyzoo Dear injury, Thanks for the drunken freestyle on my voicemail thing you left me last night. :lol: best drunken voicemail I've heard this year! -seyerrrr Dear winter break, Holla! I'm right here, you ready? -ME
  17. Dear symbols, For me thats the best way to go, eliminate most of the white sugar from my diet. I think I'll be able to easily adapt to a change in food. How did you know that your body was rejecting whey? -seysey Dear rooolf haggiz, Sorry to have you shittin the bed haha Maybe it will bring a little awareness on taking care of yourself. How's life btw? -seyseyseyyyy Dear ex, Really? Why do you bring up the weird personal questions out of nowhere. fuck off. -MS
  18. :lol: :lol: this shit never fails to make me laugh
  19. Dear virtue, Nah I went to the hospital today for a terrible allergy outbreak, but from tests, the doctor says I need to regulate the sugar better. -seyer
  20. Dear swordsualez, Nah I don't, but I have to keep an eye out for it because it runs strongly in the fam. Btw I haven't been eating out much, so you'll see more museum reviews soon haha. -seyer Ps: Don't let your wife upset you.
  21. Dear Virtue, You're welcome again. Yeah makes you look at what you eat more carefully. I just got back from my dr's appt and looks like I'm gonna be needing to change eating habits. Genetics suck sometimes. -seyerr
  22. Dear virtue, Damn that sucks, must've been genetic. I'm trying to watch my sugar now since it runs in the family, and I'm only a year older than you. Take care of that. -seyer
  23. Dear Virtue, No problema. Too many people in my family have diabetes so I kinda know how that shit goes. It's scary to me. Were you a type 1 all your life? -missussseyerr Dear philosophy/critical thinking final, I don't really know how well I did, I knew the material fairly well.... But for some underlying reason, I feel like as if you raped me in the ass...hard. Fingers crossed hoping I did ok. -MS
  24. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! This shit is one of the few things that puts me in tears, like bawlin you don't even know :(
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