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Everything posted by ms.seyer

  1. Dear RUNINE, Ever heard of the mercenary position? :lol: If anyone could tell me, I forgot what thread that came from. -seyseysey
  2. Dear Calii, Worrrd. Thanks! I think my last prop went to you haha Sorry freak! -seysey
  3. Dear Freak, edit* You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to freakeenyc again. FUUUUUUU! -seysey
  4. Dear Caligooola, That is true. I think I'm at my fattest right now since I stopped dieting and started eating while I stressed over school. fuuuu -seyseysey!
  5. Dear Cali, I'm gonna be like this by the time I fit your requirements! :lol: :lol: -seyseysey
  6. Dear Cali, haha that's true, I actually have only been with men older than me.Not on some 20+ yr age difference, but a significant amount older than me. Posey is like a baby! Wish I could marry them all :lol: -seyseysey
  7. Dear Suki Wilson, I can work with Timmy, we'll smoke each other out on the daily and we'll pitch each other travel mugs full of coffee to each other in the morning :lol: -seyseysey Dear CALiGUULAAA, :lol: Uuuuuribe is old enough to be my uncle! -seyseyyy
  8. Dear sooks, Aw damn! I should've known! I'm gonna call up the mask and tell em to cancel our plans for me and Brian :( -seysey
  9. Dear Brian Wilson, When can we get married? I'll let you assasinate my mentality any day. -seyer
  10. Dear BBOAT, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ arrday -seylocski
  11. False I already am sick The person below me recently broke up with someone
  12. Dear Cali, I thought you graduated already? -seyseysey Dear person, I tried to be there for you when you needed someone to talk to and prove that you could count on me for help. I let you in my life on a really personal level, and right now you are not favoring it back in a good way. You hurt people that love you, and you fool yourself. You know it's fucking you up inside and out and others around you. I don't have room for your continuous drama in my life, so it hurts me to have to let you go, but all I want to do right now is to forget. -ms.firstname
  13. Word? The person below me hates being ignored.
  14. Dear cali, Damn, sshould've looked for you there! In the middle of that crowd there was probably 4 people around me that passed out. Shit was bananas for a while. Talked to a bunch of random sstrangers and made a couple of new friends. I bet you got good flicks, I'm just assuming you're tall (tall to me at least since i'm hella short) haha -sseysey
  15. Dear ssouls, I think you'll hate being my height... you would probably only last a couple of dayz. It suckss =/ -sseyessey Dear Cali, I got there at 9 and it was packed on mcallister n hyde, I was gonna just try to pry my way into the front ssince people could see over me anywaysss, but people were being asshurt so I ended up in the middle of this: -sssey seey! Dear "S" key, why do you ssuck right now? I have to presss you a million timesss harder for you to work!! -ssey sssey!!
  16. Dear Cali, Bet you couldn't find me, I was in the middle of the crowd at civic and couldn't see shit! -seysey
  17. Dear CALI and BORIS, Every time I read about you mentioning thick/fat/jiggly/bigbooty chicks, these songs come to mind : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9ZxctUr3_I http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsXyg1pSw1c :lol: :lol: :lol: -seysey
  18. Dear rolf hagggusssss, Awesome! your pm' always cheer me day up hahah -seyseysey! Dear fishdicks, Be thankful your hangover wasn't as bad as mine yesterday. Fuckin ugly ass hangover. -seyzoo
  19. Dear Rolf Haggis! How have you been? Haven't gotten any drunk messages from you for a while. I would have left you one last night but I passed out. -seyseysey!
  20. Dear hangover, Good job on making me puking this morning. Thanks for fucking off while I drove back home while my fat friend was being a bitch. -me Dear j, You're making me sad. Jussayin -ms Dear everyone, Happy halloweiners -seyeerrr
  21. Dear Santa Barbwire, Two more hours till I'm out the door to fuck shit up there! -Me Dear J, Aggrivated heartz yo, I miss you already -Seysey!
  22. Haven't been sleeping good. Too much on my miiiind
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