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Everything posted by ms.seyer

  1. Dear massgraff, If you're willing to read there's a story behind that. :lol: -ms.seyer Dear freak, Just come out here and join the massive pillow fight! -seysey
  2. Dear Cali, Yup I was a premium before... Just for a month though. -seyer Dear People this past week, Why do you keep staring at me? I know I'm short but I've never gotten this much staring action before. It's starting to make me think that you know something about me that I don't. If you got something to say about my shortness just come up to me and say it. We can discuss my genetic make up and biology, I'll school you on it, I swear. Or just tell me if I got something on me that I need to get rid of. Do I have spinach in my teeth? Hair stickin out? Toilet paper stuck on my shoe? Dried cum on my sweater or pants? Back pack open? Hate my shoes? Whatever it is, stop staring at me! -seyoyoyo
  3. Dear chubbs, my bad for the late response, I just realized you wrote to be but I missed that page. Whats cookin? Not much lately... ok maybe quite a lot, shit thats unmentionable here but still livin. how've you been? -seyseyer
  4. Dear Puppy talk, The only soft side of my heart belongs to cute cuddly fluffy puppies! The only thing in the world that can make my day.:] -seyseysey Dear MNfuckoz, I hate it when my dentist doesnt prescribe that novocaine. Get well soon! -seysey Dear specific person Ive mentioned twice already, Nice to see you again, today was a good day. Found $20 on the floor, Got paid for tedious work, had a good workout, and got this thing taken care of. chyeah! -seyseyseyseysey
  5. Dear Smxxl, OMFG theyre adorable. My heart just melts when I see puppies. From bitch to softie in no time..Alll it takes is puppies. -seyer Dear Rolf, Hi! -seyseysey Dear Dad, Fuck off my kitchen space. Don't be jealous that I know how to cook too and that people want my cooking at the superbowl party. in yo face, ms.daughter Dear Ryan, I kinda miss you, wtf? -ms.nickname
  6. Dear Inj, My bad, I always have issues with service in my house. I'll think my texts sends but it ends up chillin in my outbox. -sey
  7. Dear Earl, If your mind was made in pocket size, I would just stuff it down the pockets of my pants or sweater and take it out whenever I needed to cheer up or needed a good laugh. It's that amazing. -seyer
  8. Dear rolfhaggiz, I need a lazy gym partner because I need someone on my level. I can't be going to the gym with no lance armstrong or julie hadden type kneegas because I'll die from trying to move my chubby self. -seyseysey Dear ryan, Today we both had one of the biggest sighs of relief from what could have been the end of my world and yours. Thankfully this domino effect type deal thing was no what we expected it to be....Actually I'm more relieved than you are. -ms.firstname
  9. Dear rolf, I need a gym buddy like you. drink and postponing teatime. sounds just like me -me Dear symbols, That's good! It's a new and better day for me too :) -seyseysey
  10. Dear symbols, Hopefully tomorrow's a better day for you! Seems like you went through hell this morning. -seyer Dear moogle, Moar details on you arriving without contact based on visual stimulation. -sey
  11. Dear week, Become thursday already! As a matter of fact, let it be next tuesday already!! -seyer
  12. Dear RU, It means you gotta learn how to shut up sometimes. no hate. jusseyin -seyseysey
  13. Dear smxlll If you write a book about the conversations that go on at your salon, I would definitely read it. -seyer
  14. Dear R____, Truth be told I'm starting to enjoy this casual thing we got going on. No bullshit, no drama, just going on with our lives at the same time having fun. -MS Dear everyone, Hi. -seyseysey!
  15. Dear person, I thought we were supposed to have a fair trade in this arrangement? You're being unfair as fuck you bastard! I will never excite someone by impressing them again. Better give that selfishness a thought before you try to talk to me again. ♕seyer♕ Dear freak, :lol: LOL!!!! that is one of the best things i've read so far this year!!! ♕seyseysey♕
  16. Dear bboat, Why are you the first one to reply to that? :lol: And no, no slobbin on the knob for an A. I don't do that haha Jussayin. -seysey ps: why don't you text me anymore?!
  17. Dear history professor, You're disturbingly good looking. -seyer
  18. 5:20 am Sleep is not happening for me... Anyone awake ? haha
  19. Sorting out earrings that I want to keep and give away or throw away. Laundry on rotation Playing tracks from Qwel
  20. Dear Cali, I hope you've been rapping about me winning the lottery haha I just bought two tickets. Keeping my fingers crossed, seyseysey!! Dear I don't even know what you are to me anymore, Greed has taken over you. I'm an idiot for being generous and supportive to you. During the times of being all heart and no doubt makes me a stupid woman. -Ms.Firstname
  21. Dear cali, Can you rap about me winning the lottery? k Thanks!! I'll def give you a good chunk of $$ if I do. -seyseysey
  22. I hate this I end up going to sleep at 5-6 am and end up waking up in the afternoon.
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