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Everything posted by ms.seyer

  1. False The person below me does laundry in the nude
  2. Dear smxl, I'm sorry to hear that you, your brother and the whole family have to dear with someone like that.She's obviously suffering from munchausen syndrome.I hope she's going to get help, and as well as intervention for your brother and the kids. -sey
  3. Dear friend who's visiting, Holy fuckin shit I thought you would never come back. I'm all stoked that you're coming back home even if it's just for a bit. We all missed you like crazy after you left the country all of a sudden without telling us (even your parents!) I felt like a dork getting teary eyed when we finally was able to talk on skype after not hearing or seeing each other after two years! That was a looong time considering we were like sisters since the 4th grade. I'm excited all us friends get to chill again, we've got so much shit to catch up on. See you when your plane gets here! -Ms Seyer Dear oontzers, Go to Everest college! Go up your pimp game... -seysey
  4. Dear friend, You need to learn how to do your own things that you want to do. It's almost as if you join a cult every hour of the day. You cant be exactly just like the people you think are cool. That's them, you're you, find your own shit. It's sickening sometimes justsayin -Ms.firstname
  5. Dear Rolf Harrrrrrizz, Doon't worry! Let your heart not be broken, I didnt :) (in response to your prop comment) haha -seysey Dear methhh, Or call her pinche pendeja while she's in flames! chyeah -seyyy
  6. Dear boat, :lol: :lol: :lol: <3 seyyyy Dear RU, Yeah it takes us about 5 minutes, one has to go outside and try to lift that huge receiver, then one has to step on the numbers, but before all that we need to get the number right. -seyss
  7. Dear bboatpimpdaddydrivinmackalackattackpimpmobile1er, Damn you're bustin out on da hydrauulickzz pimp mobilz, can't wait. -seygondippin Dear RU, That's his pimp mobile, he saves time and money cuz be has sex while drivin girls around. Not with me though, we don't do that anymore lolll You should get yourself one. -seylokskiii
  8. Dear bboatlocskilolercopterbanginyosisteroner, Oh shit!! Where did you get that pimpin ride? I'm down to go dippin in that, hurry up! I'm waiting outside that thing better have hydrauliczzz LETZ GO DIPPIN -seylocski
  9. Dear BBOAT, shut up and letz go dippin! -seysey
  10. Dear meth, :) no seriously, call her a pendeja and watch her burst into flames in church. -sey Dear fishydick, some shit's the same, new stuff here and there I can't complain, just getting stuff done etc I'm getting bored haha -seyyy
  11. Dear fishdicks, Hell yeah go giants, I was kind of in the moment and threw stuff haha How ya been??! seyyyy
  12. Dear eb, You're making go crazy waiting alll day!! GEEZ, jk haha -mo Dear meth, You go girl -sey
  13. Dear giants, What the fuck!!! I almost threw the remote at the tv screen! Fuckin fuck! -seyseyy Dear person, I hate it when you don't answer back my texts, I always think you're ignoring me when you're not. Stop making get female tendencies geeez -ME
  14. Holy shit hahaha this thread always makes my day
  15. Dear SM, Only the funkiest n funniest video I've seen since last month, and also one of Flying Lotus's best tracks hahaha -seyseysey
  16. Dear CALI, I swear every time I listen to that song or see the video I think about you! hahaha This is like the TCL official video. -seyseysey http://www.dancefloordale.com/
  17. Dear Cali, Congrats on first place! -seyseysey Dear Giants, One more to go, so let's take it to the world series ok? kthnx -Ms.Firstname Dear dream, That was weird, why did I have to get kidnapped? -me
  18. Dear Cali, My cousin owns Dragatomi haha -seysey
  19. Re: Serila Killers Kemper raped his own momma's corpse
  20. Dear Doomsday!, Ever since the womb til I'm back where my brother went that's what my tomb will say. -doomsey
  21. Dear Cali, Thanks! Oh and Micah called me right after you hung out, shoulda asked him to call me up while you two were hangin! haha -seyseysey Dear INJ, You need to skype more stat haha good video chattin, I'll give you heads up when I'm on ok. -sey sey
  22. Dear Roolf Harris, Yuup I still got him! That's awesome, I've never seen a blue staffy before, nor have I ever seen a shy one. They're awesome dogs, usually fulla energy n such. Mine has only two white "pahs" in the front we say he's missing socks. He's livinn large, chillin with me.. -seyseysey!
  23. Dear Gramps, You best put that medi-care to good use n fetch us some xannies ok. Thanks! -grandmastadaughterdaseysey Dear Micah, Dude deserved to get his jaw broke, but your homie got his laptop back, stay outta trouble yo. -seysey Dear evening class, I don't feel like going tonight, but I miss one class, I miss a week :[ -Ms. Firstname
  24. Dear Smsmslsmsmsmsmslxmxlxxls Hahaha! that's stuck in my head now! singin along, seyseysey
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