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Everything posted by ms.seyer

  1. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Deloner, HIIIIII DELLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!1 -senorita seyer Dear Cali, That thing that was happening to you when you took vitamin B-complex is happening to me now too!! That was kinda weird and scary when it looked all bright lol! -MS
  2. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Suki, Yes he is a biter, you've seen it. -seyer Dear Boatshuz, Yeah, check suki's facebooook, you're a biter. :p -me
  3. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Cali, Getting schooled on sushi sounds good! And that green tux shirt should score you hella fatties! >>seysey<<
  4. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Cali and Suki, I'll keep that in mind next time my ol man tries to get me to eat sushi- that it's just rice, sauces, avocado,fish, and seaweed. Suki- I''ll try that. avocado and cooked shrimp don't sound too bad, and that seared tuna sounds better. However I did like that one roll with a deep fried soft shell crab leg covered with panko in it. >>seyer<<
  5. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Dad, Why are you always an asshole? Especially on important days. wtf is your problem? /yesflamingmad -seyer Dear Cali, I cant bring myself to eat raw fish, or like it! eeeep -seyer
  6. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Scust, Cats suck, get a dog! haha -Seyer Ps: were you able to watch Shutter Island? Dear friendboy, My bad for not helping you eat all the sushi you ordered last night. You know I don't really eat seafood, or raw fish alone. I saw that you were kinda visibly upset when I said "nooo i dont eat that." You should have asked me what I wanted before you went ahead and ordered six different kinds of sushi plates!!!Oh well, thanks for the dinner though I had a good time. The movie was my treat, but that's because I like you (borat accent). Thanks for being there for me, I don't even expect you to, but you are. So shut up on the phone, and go to sleep because I can't understand you anymore. I know you read my 12oz posts sometimes, and youre gonna definitely see this. so yeeee can't wait to see you again next week and argue about dre's new album. wuv ya, seysey Dear Family, You're hella fucked up sometimes. -member
  7. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear boat, hahaha i know you and your mullet hatred. I bet Kane can't top your 2legit skills anyways. -seyer Dear grandma, dont do this to me, i cant lose you now. there's too many things going on in my life and you going is the last thing i need =/ -mo
  8. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dearest boat, I dont think I know that song. And, how are you doing now since I knew what happened? Glad to have you back haha. <3 seyzzzzzzzz Dear me, Cheer up. -self.
  9. Eating cereal at 12:10 pm indisgust- Shutter Island was gooood. You just gotta watch it from the start. I just got it from netflix
  10. El dude went to sleep too early, so I went ahead and just watched Shutter Island. Got drunk, and tried to show off to injury in front of a 7-11 while getting into the cab.
  11. Chillin in the shade after a nice long walk on the beach
  12. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear guy, Thanks for understanding. Didn't want you to stress or anything. You da best. -Firstname Dear Mudpudz, Third time's a charm :) -seyer
  13. Yeah bbk, mind is all fucked up. must smoke budz must get sleep
  14. Maybe it's because you're in the TL? :lol: jk
  15. Haven't gotten a wink of sleep lately, too many things on my mind. umad?
  16. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear BOATpredictions, I let my Patrick have what he wanted last night... his mullet. He deserved it :lol: -seyer Ps: Get on aim!! Dear anyone, Please shoot me in the head. Shoot twice to ensure I'm not breathing. kthnxbai -me
  17. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear boat, :lol: :lol: :lol: That fuckin made my day. Thanks -reyes Dear Cali, Damn! Fluorescent?! Is that normal? haha -seyer
  18. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Cali, Damn, I don't know about that. Mine only does that when I only drink a tiny amount of water, but if I do drink a cup or two I'm fine. Does that bright pee pee thing happen only when you drink vitamin B-complex? -seyer Dear person, That meeting was...weird. I feel awkward now. Oh well, at least we good friends. -Firstname Dear otherhalf, Hope you did good on that test so you could graduate worry-free saturday. I can't wait to see you wednesday Rove, Me
  19. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear boat, Don't be hatin, he's adorable haha. Answer my texts foool. /nomr.t You know if you can't sleep I'm most likely awake. -me
  20. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear boat, You don't answer my texts, how rude :lol: You know you could always use me as your pillow, no need to ask. Recollect yoself. -Seyer Dear Patrick Kane, I think I has crush on yooou. -me
  21. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear CALIg, I've come to that conclusion too that age is just a number. :) Ps: I've noticed that too when I would take Vitamin B-complex, but that only happens if I don't drink enough water. So you might want to drink up a bit lol -seyseysey Dear life, I told you things only sucked for that moment. Life is good again. We movin' on up -self
  22. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Razor Ramon, Haha, I am over 16 and under 50, and am not a shrinkled prune. So hopefully they think the same. -seyer Dear Freak, I dont know, you think 10 years or more would be a lot? I'm curious lol -seyer Dear 5fingur, Don't go to Tondo, Manila, it's a filth hole there. Go to Makati or Quezon City. -MS Dear SM, Thanks, I'm into older guys, but wonder how old is too old of a difference? -Seyer
  23. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear everyone, How old is too old of an age difference? I'd appreciate an answer lolz Thinking thinking, seyer
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