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Everything posted by ms.seyer

  1. True... actually there is a good chance that I will.. The person below me is in a public place right now.
  2. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Freak, Let me take your place in that class.... unless there is math involved in. Just take my place in my Developmental and Abornal psychology classes haha. Fuck school. -seyinthelibrary Dear career, I've been pondering the thought of putting my basic knowledge of modern pharmacology to use. So maybe one day I'll be able to prescribe meds. -Dr.Seyer Dear everything in the next month starting things within the next 20 minutes, I'm not really looking forward to you. Can we please fast forward through May and part of June? I want to just on that roadtrip already. -autopilot1er
  3. A Child Called It is a sad yet interesting read.The whole trilogy is good. Anyone have a book that they can suggest?
  4. True The person below me is mad at someone or something
  5. False The person below me is doing something awesome today.
  6. falsoo The person below me made breakfast this morning.
  7. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear feheeeheeeheenay, Co-sign on this mutha fuckin statement. word. -seyer Dear CALI, Honey nut cheerios are bomb! -seyseysey Dear Bfish, I get overwhelmed by the many things I would love to have on etsy. I've been e-window shopping that place since '07. -seysey
  8. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Cali, Yeah I like em, and it helps to have the pink card, because of the free stuffs, and cheap bread. I also resorted back to Cheerios, sans oatmeal. hahaha -seyseysey Dear souls, Is that the stalker lady you were telling me about? I thought you got rid of her? hahaha -seysey Dear BBOATSKIIIIE, Iknow, booooo,I was pullin for the caps. Oh well, let's hope the Bruins kill the Flyers this round. -seylokkkski
  9. Sell it on half.com. Someone will buy it especially if it's in good condition. Or sell it a little bit cheaper to someone in your school. Oh and I'm eating breakfast, and listening to hall and oates.
  10. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Boris, That's weird, I was just listening to that song right before I came into this thread. haha --------seyer
  11. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear CALIgula, The bagel thins tasted just like as if I was eating half of a regular bagel cut in half. I had it with lite cream cheese and a banana haha.I bought mine at Grocery Outlet for $2.99. I forgot all about the Orowheat outlet. I even have 2 more stamps to goon that pink card in order to get free stuff. Overall, I was able to enjoy my breakfast and it was filling at the same time. ole! seyseysey Dear Bboat and Dose-ink, Happy birthday :) -me
  12. I remember that. Definitely should have jumped in the pool with it :lol:
  13. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear SHARKSKILLERBBOATSKIIIE, :lol: Holy shit you're able to log onto your own name. My sister tried to sell me 2 sharks playoff tickets for 370 fuckin bucks. Anyways, how you been? Hopefully you enjoy your birthday and your 4 days of drunken havoc. Can we at least have breakfast, lunch and dinner together before you burn yourself alive in that shirt? (you didn't show me the picture yet, btw.) I haven't worn the shirt my sister gave me, actually I can't find it haha. The Bruins doing good too, lets hope they eat the Sabres alive. -happytoseeboatpostagainevenifseyerisinbadassmood Dear CALIcaliigooolaaa, I got me some bagel thins today, and that's what I'm gonna have tomorrow for breakfast along with a fresh orange. Let's hope it's filling enough. -angrystomach1ersey
  14. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear everyone in response to my breakfast situation, I settled for the ol' steel cut oatmeal and raisins today. Cali, I'm gonna look into getting some of the bagel thins. The carbs are not too bad on those, having looked at 1/4 cup of oatmeal is about 27grams. Suki, I think I'm gonna just get those instant flavored oatmeal next time since they come in small packets, therefore I can enjoy fresh fruit after. -seyseysey Ps: I don't know if they have this anymore, but does anyone remember the instant kiddie oatmeal that had little strawberry or whatever shaped dinosaurs into it that puffed when the oatmeal was cooked? :lol:
  15. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear smlx, edogg, & suki, Thanks! I just made some right now and used brown sugar, and some cinnamon. I also added the raisins which helped a lot. I think I'll be able to stomach oatmeal a lot better now :) Steelcutoatsoner, sey
  16. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Freakaleek, Nahh I'm trying to avoid artifical sweeteners. Plus they taste nasty. -seyzz
  17. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Chefs, Health nuts, or foodies etc in this thread, How can I make oatmeal easier for me to eat without adding hella sugar? I can't seem to eat it without feeling like throwing up, but I wan't to eat it cause its healthier than cream cheese and bagel. =/ Thanks, seyriouslytryingtoshovehealthythingsinmymouthoner
  18. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear "Colonal Costard", :lol: I caught my correction fail after scrolling up haha thanks. -seysey ps: how are you?
  19. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Chop Stocks, Ohh what you're going here?! Hell yeah, when when when.. I mean when next year? -Ms. Soyor Dear person, Glad you're back. :] -Ms. First Name
  20. False, the beach The person below me always washes their hands when they get home.
  21. False The person below me is getting ready for school or work right now.
  22. to tickle peoples groins (hi malin!)
  23. True The person below me is watching the NHL playoffs.
  24. False The person below me watches Breaking Bad.
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