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Everything posted by ms.seyer

  1. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear grandmother, Stop being so stubborn. -Me Dear dad, Stop being an asshole. Fuck you. -Me
  2. Even better if that shit was in latin.
  3. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Bumbs..............., -mss
  4. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear BBOAT, LOL!! Yes! I didn't think you would've really taken flicks of the shirt :lol:. Show it to me next time we talk . I'll even show my sister so she could get mad. -SEYYLOKKKSKI ps: Bruins? The Bruins, what? Dear world, $$$pring break! -ME Dear dude, I miss you already, hope you're having fun on vacation.. Without me! Punk.<3 -Ms.First name
  5. Del, I just came back from a 3 hour lecture and had too much coffee that's good for more than two days, let's do this...
  6. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Melinoe, Hacked? Or is you tweakin? Real Talk, Seyer Dear friend who's being a whore, Happy birthday to you, but I refuse to go to your house today just because. I'll stop by sometime this week with homemade pastries. I'm sorry. -Ms. firstname
  7. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Dear_________ no homo thread, whats goin on in here? -MS.S Dear dude, I'm gonna miss you while you're out there enjoying your time. It's cool that youre on vacay while I'm procrastinating my life away. -me
  8. Maybe she's just reusing the bag for her food.
  9. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear F.C, Since I've been avoiding you for being inconsiderate, you beg to hang out again because you're bored right now. I still consider you as my friend and always will, no matter how much shit we go through. It just doesn't make me want to hang out with you when you're being one sided. I guess I shouldn't expect you to be there for me when I need you, even if I always am for you. Whatever. I can't hold grudges forever. -M_(first name) seyer
  10. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear creepyshow, My condolences. RIP your dog, it's never easy to lose a beloved pet, more so friend. Hang in there, it hurts, but it will pass. -seyer Dear Phat ralphy, Ouch. That is all. -notafanofneedlesatallseyer Dear today, You were supposed to be a nice beautiful St Patties day, even if I'm not even Irish. Instead I get to spend it at the dentist's office getting drilled for hours (no pun intended). I'm not looking forward to the remainder of the day. Great. -seybertoofs
  11. 8:06 PST Woke up from the sound of construction going on outside. Thankfully I got the day off.
  12. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Schnitznitz, Addy shall be pm'd to you soon. Glad you liked the post card :) -seysey Dear B!G D, :lol: -seyer
  13. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear guy, Damn yous amazing. I can't wait to see you again (: Thanks for making my day. <3 Me
  14. Falso. The person below me is staying in tonight.
  15. Falso The person below me is going out tonight.
  16. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear suki, Why are you banned? (I know you can't answer that right now, maybe when you're unbanned :lol:) -sey sey Dear MICAHHH!!, How you been homeskrills?! Long time no talk. How's shark territory treatin ya? Update me haha -Seyerrrrr Dear asshole who stepped on my heel, Thanks a lot for fucking cutting my achilles area. It's not my fault that the person who was walking in front of me was walking slow and at the same time was surrounded by a body of students. You could have tried walking slower. What the fuck were you doing anyways walking really close behind me? Were you trying to booty bang me with clothes on or what? Embarrassed and bloody heel, sey mutha fuckin zilla
  17. At least you guys are on spring break right now. My spring break is in April.
  18. 8:26am Eating toast and yogurt for breakfast while ironing clothes before I go to class, while oontzing. Mulitaskingoner
  19. Re: a tranny is giving me a government job right fucking now!!! :lol: @ title change
  20. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear skate, How you been? Have you talked to micah lately too? Take care, seyer
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