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Everything posted by ms.seyer

  1. Dear Rolf, :lol: -seyseysey Dear pizzzy, Depends what do you want to tell her? I'll translate -seysey
  2. Dear folf raggis, did someone say irish? -seyerzilla
  3. Dear Rolff haggozz, Hmmmmm icey blues?! Cmonn that's not fair that's my weakness haha -seyofoyayo
  4. Dear Rolf, I'm flattered by your props comment. :D -seyseysey
  5. Dear eb, Hi, how's life? -seyer
  6. Dear freak, Was she devastated when you fucked things up? Hope she'll let things go well again between you two. -seyseysey
  7. Dear BRACKBOATSHOES, Hi -seyomuthafuckinyayo
  8. Dear world, I don't know what's going on with me today, but maybe I'm in a really good mood because I have no spinning on this monday morning. I hope this isn't the start of one of the many Psychological disorders that I have studied :lol: It's just very unusual for me to feel good on a monday... let alone morning. Hope everyone has, if not somewhat of a good day as well. -seyseyseyseyseyseyseysey
  9. Dear red, I know cali intended not to be a suicide note, just a notice of not going on 12oz anymore. -sey
  10. Dear andreweynoldsx, If we get married will you get me my original icey's back? :huh: seyoyayo aka littlefeet
  11. Dear LUGR, HAHAH :lol: his accent is making me laugh. No lie I used to talk like that around my grandma when I was little because I thought that's what tagalog was. I didn't know it was just an accent. -seyz Ps: this guy looks like he has razor burn on his upper lip. BEBO!
  12. Dear LUGR, Heyy don't show my face in here! Plus someone might try to steal my tiger. You miss me and... Jolibee, I thought that thing got you sick? Let's talk about it. -seyz
  13. Dear Cali, I'm gonna miss you!! tcl por vida, seyerr
  14. Dear Cali, You're still chillin in my friend list... I thought you said you deleted it haha. -seyseysey Dear BBOAT, I miss you :( At least next time warn me when you're gonna fall off the face of the earth! :lol: -seyoyayosharingherpeanutbutterpretzelswithbboatthenmakinghimasammichafterwards1er Dear homeworks and projects, I got you by the balls bitch, bring it on. I've been through worst, so you don't phaze me. -me
  15. Dear massgraff, You tell em man! -seyer Dear rolf, Noo you don't understand, I'm loca.. I love the cold If only I could freeze to death... -seyer
  16. Dear roolfhaggggiss, Let's switch weathers, I would love freezing. This rain isn't doing it for me. -seysey
  17. Dear Cali, Strictly for those who are tcl! I wonder how that would go haha -seysey
  18. Dear fishstizzles, I'd go with the 3's. -seyseysey aka wishes she still had her concord icey blues. Dear TCL fam, Hope all is well and still lovin them fat chicks and/or chubby dudes. lubb for the chubb, seyyyeerrrr
  19. Dear INJ, Me and sleep are having a great relationship right now. Sorry if I stole her from you. no holmes. -seyer
  20. Dear RU, Don't trip haha I understand no sleep talk. -sey Dear rolf haggis, Hahahaha glad your enjoyed that story. -seyseysey
  21. Dear killa cali, Got your reply on fb, I replied back. hahaha -syrrr
  22. Dear Massgraff, Clear your inbox yours is full. -seyer
  23. Dear Ru, Sent. -seyer Dear Cali, 12oz says that you chose to not recieve private messages. Un do that and I'll send you the story! edit- ok check your facebook messages then :lol: -seyer
  24. Dear Runine, Ok watch out for a new message in your inbox, I'm almost done writing it. Give me a couple of more minutes. mass chisimo, -seyeyer
  25. Dear people who want to read/hear the story, I'll pm it to you :lol: it isn't a really long thing to read. -seyseysey Dear Cali, I think they do, I just rather support and pay when I have the extra money to subscribe again. -seysey
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