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Everything posted by ms.seyer

  1. Dear souls, Cheer up, move on to someone who will be nicer to you. algunas chicas son el diablo -seyo
  2. Dear edogg, Disregard males, aquire currency. Cheer up. -seyeer Dear allergies, Go away, you make me sick. I can't even be around my nephews without scaring them with my monster sneezes. Oh and it's not cool how you make my left eye swell. booooo! -seyoyayo Dear NBB, Hi -momo
  3. Poor guy :( I wish him a speedy recovery.
  4. Dear weather, The more you rain, the more I love you. I always seem to feel ill when it's hot and sunny. The colder the better, -seyer
  5. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! Our little heart breaker. His 3rd birthday is coming up this sunday.
  6. Dear asthma al, YAY! Success, but it wasn't easy, and it's just the beginning. Let's go to a game! -seyer
  7. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! The most adorable dogs ever!!!!
  8. Dear asthma al, Looks like the sharks are starting to choke, let's hope the game's life is extended. -seyer ps: cmonson.jpg
  9. Dear suki, Go see a dermatologist. You should be able to ask for rx and natural remedy options. -seyer
  10. Dear sister, I know what you're up to, don't test me. I've almost bitten your arm off before, and trust me, I can do it again. -lil sis Dear BBOAT, If you read this (or if you ever go back in this thread) I hope you had a fun birthday and all that good stuff. Hopefully you were able to get a DVD copy of the whole season of Big Booty Niggas :lol: I still can't believe you got me with that. <3, seyoyayo
  11. Dear mom, Maybe for Mothers Day I should buy you some maturity. It's fucking useless talking to you lately...actually I don't think I've ever gained any real knowledge or anything good from talking to you. However you specialize in shit talking, but that was not something I really needed when I got older. Please grow up, I'm tired of baby sitting. -MS
  12. Dear roolf, shut the fuck up and keep posting! :lol: congrats on the 1000th honkey posts. -seyseysey!
  13. Dear SM, I'll pose in the winter one which requires clothes. You get the summer :lol: As long as I get to wear some cute black pumps, it's good. -seyoyayo
  14. Dear pms, Go away. :( It sucks being a female. wahhhmublance, seyer Dear brother, nephew, and brother in law, Happy birthday, thanks for being such cool, respectable men in my life. You make family visits worth the while and I hope you guys had a great birthday. -MS
  15. Dear lastlaugh, Ohh good shit? Well I'm definitely looking forward to the weekend, that's for sure! Summer is on it's way too so I'm pretty amped to possibly travel. I'm also looking forward to my birthday. haha I'm just ready for a break away from college. -MS
  16. Dear Realism, Thanks. For the research bullshit, I'm buried in that myself for this class, plus a another psychology class as well. For both I have to do a research paper that will sum up to 20 pages when I'm done. For your multi symptom cold type thing, that sucks. Maybe James Cagney is right, it might be allergies. I know a few people and myself that get that shit this time of year which makes spring suck. Good luck with that and your research! -seyerrr
  17. Dear experimental psychology exam in about an hour, Pleeeease take it easy on me! You are amongst the hardest psych class I ever took. Fuck you. I studied all weekend,all day yesterday, slept early and reviewed some more this morning, you better give me a decent score bitch. Please and thank you's, seyer
  18. Dear almighty, Truuue thaaat. -seyer Dear SM, :lol: holy shieet that's pretty....hood? I can't really say ghetto, but damn. That made my day. At least he doesn't use his teeth to cut things like my fam, or pick up stuff with their feet....or point at things with their lips. Crazy families rule. -seyer
  19. Dear person, I swear to god that I'm such a patient person. I'm giving one last try.. If you flake on me today I am dunzo. -me
  20. Dear Noes, That whole when you show someone thing that's the only time it improves thing happens to me too. And for the people at the macstore, they just want it up the ass. That is all. -seyer
  21. Dear edoggg, Nothing pisses me off more than Chinese fobs in my spinning class that barely pedal when everyone in the class is pedaling and sweating our asses off. Justsayin -seyer Ps- No racist.
  22. Dear rolff haggis aka Rolf McDowell, "They got the big macs, we got the big MAKE" Favorite movie oner, Seykeem.
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