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Everything posted by ms.seyer

  1. Dear Steezy, You're going to be the best momma ever, you were already a great momma to Brianna as well! Hope all is well with you and the baby. Also, your sis needs to clean up not only for the babies, but for her own health, I hate knowing she's about my age too and already has another one on the way and is in that condition. =/ -M.S Dear D.T.Stever, I'm negging for fun. Nothing personal, no fucks given. Take care! -MS Dear mean boss, I hope your divorce leaves you miserable! -M.Secretary
  2. False. (Hi Steezy and Malin!) The person below me got some today.
  3. False. The person below me lives in a city with a high population of hipsters.
  4. True The person below me watches a lot of porn.
  5. True. And that sucks sorry about that baby momma stuff. The person below me has bought lingerie for their gf or wife at least once.
  6. True The person below me has a person in their life that just wont fuck off.
  7. I don't know anything about Jersey or some shit, but I know that when you're feeling like that, you're just going to have to get used to things, adapt yourself there, or gtfo. No point in being in a place where you can't find hope in. In the meantime- get a job- work all day, and acquire money to travel.
  8. True. That suckz br0 The person below me owns an Apple made product.
  9. False, although don't eat it often. The person below me works the graveyard shift.
  10. I support anyone who's a part of Team Chubb Lubb!
  11. false. never heard it the person below me doesn't use cd's anymore
  12. chillin, about to put in some warm fresh sheets on the bed
  13. True if my own counts? The person below me has a retarded sleeping schedule.
  14. Ohh! A thread to accompany the high heels thread! :) I'm into the simple black lingerie-
  15. Just woke up on my retarded sleeping schedule.
  16. :lol: Danny fuckin Trejo!
  17. False, I try to understand what I'm voting for. The person below me had a productive saturday and will stay in tonight.
  18. I can't wait for this shit to come back
  19. Who wouldn't want to? :lol: jk Steezy's the homegirl. tpbm is still awake
  20. True. Hi! The person below me has done their taxes
  21. Falso, allergic to skrimp The person below me likes minty flavors.
  22. false, but big feet, yes :lol: the person below me is the person above me.
  23. False The person below me lives in an area where it's always cold.
  24. LOL!! True The person below me has a raging hangover
  25. "ain't that right boo?" truuuuue tpbm is gonna call it a night
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