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Everything posted by ms.seyer

  1. This kind of reminds me of the boo head zoo head thread thing...only this thread didn't break the internet.
  2. :lol: nope that's nothing to be mad about ;)
  3. Maybe it's just me, but there's something funky with the look of this dude's thumb... Does it remind anyone of anything?
  4. Don't forget a napkin to wipe that "serum" off your face, G-Money.
  5. Dear laughslast, Depends, are you two good friends or what? I don't know about you but I would definitely feel really awkward being at my ex's wedding. -seyer Dear person, Just because you deleted me from your fb doesn't change anything, however I tried to add you back just to remind you that you owe me something. The reason behind you recovering and you newfound success which you borderline want to destroy is me helping you out which was pretty damn stupid of me. So grow some fucking balls, grow the fuck up and let's talk like adults about this bullshit. Shut up and listen for once. This is your theme song for now http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9zJat43Kao -seyer
  6. G-Money really sounds like someone who would fuck black guys. Just sayin
  7. :lol: @ The photoshop pic with the baby dao face. Ps: I hate the way her name is spelled with a G instead of a J too.
  8. Oh shit it really is her :lol: :lol:
  9. Nope, I skimmed till the 12th page and skipped to 20. Now that you mention it I'll do that.
  10. Damn I missed a lot last time I peeped this thread was 8 pages. I don't buy that Gennifer on here is actually Gennifer, I know a lot of us are skilled at mocking certain characters, just like Frenel Morris :lol: Ps: Is "G-Money's" child a halfbreed?
  11. So.... that means that she's in denial?
  12. I'm 100% with Realism on the friend lost thing.
  13. Dear symbols, Humans are becoming dumber in certain ways. On an academic scale, expectation and standards have risen over the years. Younger children are expected to learn more complicated things that people in the past have learned when they were entering high school. Learning capacities and abilities are being mis matched for children, which leads to them start hating school because they are unable to easily learn the material. That's for academic dumbness for the future. For humans as a society in general, we seem to have been completely dependent on technology to do the thinking for us. However, there is the occasional intelligent person/genius that exists. Basically, people's ability to use common sense is deteriorating, and is bound to become worst in the future. Sorry didn't mean to write you an essay haha feel free to cool story bro me/wall o text -Dr.Seyer Psy.D
  14. Dear friend who had a birthday party tonight, That was really awkward... I think we really did grow apart. -awkward oner
  15. Dear everyone, Thanks, I got over it. I'm not even gonna make an effort to make him feel bad. Moving along, seyo fo yayo Dear tomfooley, My bad I wiped it on your shirt. Hope you don't mind. -seyer
  16. Dear dude, It's my life's pet peeve when someone flakes on me. It's even more irritating when I spend the whole week all excited as fuck. I stay up all night cause I can't sleep, I end up cleaning the house cause I'm all anxious, yet you flake on a negra. It's not cool to make me cry nigga, fuck you. -seyer
  17. Dear SM, Fuck yeah air maxes -seysey
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