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Everything posted by Decyferon

  1. More guns will cause more gun crime it is that simple. Those other countries are like lawless 3rd world backwaters hardly comparable to the USA. I honestly don't care if nothing happens in the U.S. I don't have to worry about guns because they are so rare here. I just find it hilarious that people actually believe there isn't a gun problem in the USA.
  2. yea because china is a well adjusted society also! but more people would be killed in an attack if the person had a gun over a hammer or knife. I don't know the full american gun law, but some, but the obvious aspect is that it isn't working and needs changing.
  3. It isn't even hard just a few things to limit guns background check any history of violent behaviour on your record - no gun any mental health issues - no gun remove the immunity that gun companies have, tobacco companies can get sued for tobacco damamge why can't a gun company be sued for producing a pointless weapon with no other purpose than mass death? add an additional 20% tax on guns and ammunition, don't you have a defecit problem? Make all gun owners go to a proper test, you need that to drive you should be qualified to own a gun - if you don't no gun and that isn't even taking away any guns, just making it harder and more expensive to get them every sale of a gun has to be kept on record permenantly, also could make every gun owner once a year confirm he still holds that weapon.
  4. a fully automatic assault rifle is gonna be able to fire a lot quicker, so that is different, but it is also neither here nor there as no one should be allowed to own a fully automatic weapon. When it comes down to it, if you can't as a reasonably intelligent person understand that the reason you have so many killings with guns in America is because they are so readily available. If you can't even acknowledge that that is a problem then there is absolutely no reason to discuss it with you because you are as retarded as the NRA types trying to blame gun crime on everything from mental health issues, video games and films. I don't even know why people get so scared about even discussing gun control. Why do you need to have a military spec assault rifle in your home anyway? If you want to go play with guns like that you should be forced to use gun ranges and the weapons have to stay locked up there. Also talking about other weapons etc like knives and hammers, yea people get killed with them, but I don't remember hearing any stories about a hammer wielding nutcase killing 20 kids in school.
  5. I knew someone would be dickish about this. I mean a handgun is different to a semi or automatic rifle. A handgun is not gonna be rinsing through magazines in the same way a assault rifle would. Fucking gun nuts
  6. I could not have said it any better, cannot prop you but you seriously hit the nail on the head, especially with the protection aspect. Nothing wrong with a well trained person having a handgun but no rational person can justify the general public owning military quality weapons.
  7. semi drunk getting ready to go out rolling a joint contemplating a kebab at this dope turkish place that is on the way to where I am going
  8. fuck knows no one has ever shoved a gun in my gob tpbm is feeling pretty damn good
  9. Right this weekend I am gonna make a sandwich character, bow tie n tophat
  10. Rose doo-rag pussy pussy shoulder pussy pic
  11. The best advice to everyone is solid simple letters, learn that structure. Lung - stop linking those letters together, also the way you weight the bars of your letters throws off my eye and stops any flow Blondi - stop trying to run before you can walk. Look at writers like Kuma, rocks dope as fuck simples that is what you wanna aim for. Torch, I like the Giraffe but the kick inwards on the end of the R just seems clunky, your simpler ones are better, the silver Torch with the connections needs some more consistency to the letters the C is really small The Whut - lose some of those extensions they dont work Ninja - I actually like that, best thing on this page Baze - good solid simple man, that BA looks nice
  12. hahaah fucking awesome mate! Props
  13. false but I remembered someone else would haha TPBM likes hats but they never look quite right on them
  14. False never really take prescription drugs (they are shit here anyway) TPBM is a night owl
  15. Dear Evil Yea man I will go check it out and try n draw up something Decy
  16. Wish I screen capped it but the other week there was a story on the front page about Cope print release and a load of people dissed it, seems the article has vanished now though. Now there is a different one there with no comments on it, but Cope got salty as fuck as normal.
  17. Freedom = Having to have bulletproof glass in schools and armed guards Fucking retarded
  18. Good luck Injury I'm home from work preparing for absolutely nothing!
  19. nah no ban on kitchen knives or pizza slicers, never even heard anything like that. and I'm not saying violent crime doesn't happen but compare gun crime statistics and you will see quite a difference between the UK and US. Not saying those figures are wrong but when I read figures by The Mail then I'm sorry that article holds no sway to me!! The Daily Mail is tabloid garbage that is right wing and will use any chance to blame immigrants and I'm certain those figures are wrong because last statistics I heard through the Office For National Statistics in the UK violent crime had gone down (unless you live in London).
  20. the other books that are outside the Tuesday Next series do have different covers, to be honest those aren't the covers on the ones I read but couldn't find the exact ones
  21. hahahahahaah fuck yea I hope I reach retirement age, I'm gonna go do that also bedtime got work tomorrow - now that is nonsense
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