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Everything posted by Decyferon

  1. nice easy read, good story, think there is one after this as well
  2. here are some real quick simples, knock them out in a minute or 2, practise that also the A is done by my son, he is 8 he has a better grasp of letter structure than what you posted KiRG everyone should practise shit like this, and you bet that writers at the top of their game when doodling will knock out 100s of simples
  3. kyudo I won't sugar coat it. If you don't learn letter structure and are able to execute that then your graf will always be shit. I couldn't even make anything out on your drawing. And rocking simples is great, I still do it all the time
  4. Mclovin I had a huge response typed up with links showing exactly why you are wrong. But I can't be fucked. You think I get information from Michael oore films??? Maybe if I was snotty nosed teenage prick I would take him seriously. Just look up every quality of life/standard of looking index survey done over the last few years. The top of it is dominated by European cities (including some japanese cities it seems only SF regularly polls high for standard of living) You don't have free healthcare and cannot just walk in to a hospital and been seen with no issue. I have no reason to prove that it is simple fact. http://money.cnn.com/2012/04/19/news/economy/ceo-pay/index.htm Just the first link about CEO pay to average worker pay - gap between rich and poor I can't believe you think feedom is having an stupid AR15. Why dont you people get angry about the child poverty in your country, the way people who work hard their whole live get fucked by their insurer for healthcare!! You think I am a statist, not at all I am just saying you are all fucking idiots for beliving in guns. The problems in your society run deep and guns are just one of the many issues why America is nowhere near being the greatest country it can be. Can't believe I typed all that out for mclovin
  5. you are either a complete fucking retard or you are trolling hard, considering you've never said a valid thing on this site other than youtube links I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're trolling.
  6. you do realise that article is from 2008 right? At no point have I said it is impossible to get guns here, I'm sure if I tried hard enough I could. The posting of that article has absolutely nothing to do with the debate of gun controls needed in the US. Just trying to divert the arguement through pointless bullshit. Mexico is also a lawless almost 3rd world country so hardly a comparison. Also where do all their guns come from? generally America.
  7. all the countries that regulated guns are actually a lot safer. I know the UK is.
  8. So you think it is perfectly acceptable to let anyone have a weapon? Fuck, Europe and the UK generally have much better standards of living than in the US, syour wages have been stagnant for decades, people can't just walk into a hospital nad be cared for. The gap between the rich and the poor is great er than anywhere else and you think that guns are the issue? Why haven't you risen up to the tyranny of your country being shafted by business? Why haven't you risen up against the equality that is persausive in your country. If you are going to argue guns are there to battle against tyranny why has no one done it? You seem to have had governments that crush the poor for the last 30 or 40 years, why not do something about it? America fooling itself that it is free is the biggest joke on the planet.
  9. Who fucking cares if hunting weapons get banned I don't and you can own shotguns here you just need a license for them and they get tracked and have to be stored correctly. I am perfectly free, just because I don't have a gun doesn't mean I can't do what I want. Also in most polls the majority favours the banning of assualt weapons. It is the pro gun lobby who are the ones with their head in the clouds, no one is saying to ban all weapons, no one is coming to take your weapons away. If the government wanted to kill you it wouldnt make a blind bit of difference if you had guns or not. Listening to you talk about gun control is like listening to a paranoid nut case who thinks the world is out to get him. Stick to posting nonsense youtube links, you make more sense then.
  10. fuck all today but draw fucking hate it when it snows
  11. You still don't seem to be able to answer. Where in any of the gun control suggestions that were raised does it state it is going to take away your guns? It doesn't Where is this tyrannical government? because I am not seeing it
  12. Jon Stewart said it well about the jews being armed, the armies of the UK, US, France and Russia took years to be able to defeat the Nazis, a couple of armed civilians wouldn't have stopped shit. The same goes if the US government wanted to take your weapons (which they clearly don't want to) you aren't going to be doing shit if the army comes, how you defending yourself against tyranny then? you want to legally own tanks? surface to air missles? All of the things suggested by Obama makes clear sense, better background checks, increasing the tracking of guns, appointing an ATF director, funding into gun crime research. How do you think the government are doing anything bad?
  13. Rough sketch need to try and get my groove back with my own letters
  14. KTF!!! dope Deam not seen that one before Katre and Smug
  15. meant to do a sketch saying Rusk, I have no idea why I did Rust! Dark Room
  16. If I walk into a school smoking a joint 20 kids and 6 teachers aren't gonna die
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