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anything goes

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Everything posted by anything goes

  1. This wurga - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOfClVBdXUI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQfb1ivw4kM
  2. Re: Travel Log - 2011 - USA looks like a little bit of an upgrade from your last spot. can we see a pic of the shitter for comparison? /no toiletseat
  3. :lol: from this point forward please only speak when spoken to and refrain from using terms such as "handy"
  4. I know this thread is more for world travel but any advice on Hotels in or near center city Philadelphia?
  5. I had a chance to hang out with John Laffler from Goose Island last night at a beer dinner. He heads up the barrel program and (as I understand it) is responsible for all of their Belgian inspired beers. We drank - Sofie, Matilda, Fleur, Pere Jacques 2011 and 2009 as well as Pepe Nero. The food was delicious too.
  6. Why is this the year that every one is all concerned with the fact that we celebrate Columbus day? Way more serious shit going on in this world and these facebook wurgas are tripping off this? you wanna be outraged and political about some shit why not focus on present day genocide or other mass atrocities that are happening now? nonsense.
  7. Our Side was delicious, oak aged Our Side was even better.
  8. ^ yes, Gang Initiation shit :shook:
  9. No Criminal Assault Charges to be Brought Against Driver Caught on Camera Striking Cyclist
  10. some br0's part from Berzerkers 6 in 1997
  11. Neg'd on account of posting something like this with no photo documentary proof
  12. Don't some nurgas on here like to critique other nurga's eyebrows (NONSENSE) well this ones for you: http://twitter.com/#!/jcoleeyebrows
  13. http://www.google.com ^ great website with a wealth of information
  14. I'm not at all surprised that they're making great small batch beers but like you said unless I'm around Denver (or they have a tap take over near me) I'll probably won't get a chance to try them. I've never seen an Oskar Blues bomber or large format bottle of anything so they must not distribute that product to my market on the east coast. I've always heard that they started their can program because of their love for camping/hiking and the whole pack in pack out mantra and that makes a lot of sense about the inner coating on the can. So many breweries are moving to cans these days, good shit.
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