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John Galt

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Everything posted by John Galt

  1. I like how all the action shots of writers in Iraq are Marines. 0311, but I haven't deployed yet because I'm on barracks duty. Next year maybe.
  2. Damn. Dude must have owed him a lot of money. Whatever happened to good old fashioned cement slippers?
  3. Graffiti in Tahoe? Hahahaha. Go paint Reno.
  4. This makes me glad I never started playing video games. I haven't picked up a controller since Duck Hunt was brand new on the market.
  5. I wish I had grown out of it BEFORE I signed the contract... Piffy, this entire thread is full of people who are older than you and have already been where you are, and every single one of them is telling you to stay in school. That ought to make you step back and think. Either that, or do what one person said and sell meth. Good money to be made there.
  6. Stick with school. I dropped out at 16, and even after getting my GED and my Associates Degree it still bites me in the ass occassionally. Some1 is right, you're way to young to be at any "crossroads".
  7. I got who I could on this page. I just got home from a trip to Phoenix, I already want to go back. I've never seen so many beautiful women in one place...
  8. I've been there a bit, I've never seen any problems with cops.
  9. I hit who I could. I need to spread it around before I can get some of you again.
  10. It's probably old, but I thought of this thread as soon as I saw this...
  11. Well I propped everyone I could on this page before I ran out. I think when I get bored tonight I'm going gif hunting...
  12. Re: dear kat von d Fuck it, I'd smash all three.
  13. Bump for Borg one... And a second bump for Who Cares.
  14. I was wide awake at 2:46...because my alarm had just gone off telling me it was time to head into work. Fuck this job.
  15. John Galt


    Good show. I love the day dreams he has, they're always so random.
  16. You literally took the words out of my...keyboard. Except it was driving from to the barracks, no school.
  17. I keep running out of props way too fast, and then I have to wait a day and half to get people back. Kinda sucks.
  18. I got bored and started reading Anthem by Ayn Rand again. I feel like reading something old after this though. Maybe Melville.
  19. I never had snow days as a kid. Three feet of snow on the ground and I was still walking my happy ass to school. Uphill. Both ways.
  20. I jumped ship about halfway through college, thinking I needed some kind of adventure or just a change of pace. For better or worse, I've gotten that. At the same time, I'm not entirely happy with where I'm at, and I'm stuck with it until I'm almost 27. If you feel like you need to try something new, by all means go for it. Just do you research first. You could find yourself locked into something you hate. Someone already suggested the military, and that can be a good choice. Just understand that once you sign that contract, they own you for the next four to five years. And being older, getting bossed around by some 18 year old kid fresh out of high school, gets old real quick.
  21. I propped about four people, and it told me I was done for the next twenty four hours. I'm trying to be generous here but it ain't working yet haha.
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