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John Galt

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Everything posted by John Galt

  1. Never thought I'd see my flicks jacked and posted here. Go fuck yourself vandalicious.
  2. That Griz makes my day. I didn't think that guy was still around...
  3. Anyone else think it's funny that they buffed everything except that COLT.45?
  4. This is officially my new favorite thread.
  5. Those Lamer handstyles had me really hoping you had caught one of his pieces. Nice post none the less, haha.
  6. That kid was a little bitch for screaming like that. I've been tased more than once, shit doesn't hurt THAT bad.
  7. Virginia City isn't really anywhere near the Northwest...
  8. John Galt


    I remember when I was young and stupid, we went bombing in a small town near where I lived and ended up getting caught. They spent two days driving all over that town finding EVERY SINGLE tag we had caught, and pinned all of them on us. That shit sucked. Always best to stay out of small towns with no graff if you can help it.
  9. Iron mikes, side straddle hops, burpies? I have a pretty strong hunch you and I are in the same line of work.
  10. On a 20 year sentence he might serve a total of six, maybe seven, then get paroled. Yes, it sucks for him and for any other writer that gets busted, but at the same time, when are we going to admit that WE ARE CRIMINALS? Why do people paint if they aren't willing to lose everything for it? If you have a family and you're out bombing rooftops every night, you had better be prepared for the possibility of sending your kids a note saying, "These are the hours you can come visit me." Life has consequences. Deal with it.
  11. Re: is it ever a good idea to snitch? I doubt the cops are going to come in and clean up your whole block. If your neighborhood is really that bad, they probably already know about it. That means they probably don't consider it a priority. Think it might be time to pack your bags dude.
  12. Where I work, when we get new jacks we duct tape them between two matresses and throw them off the third story. Just saying.
  13. How about that CFOR creeping in the back...
  14. I've been wanting a reason to use that all week.
  15. So has anyone else heard anything about Rusto supposedly switching the caps around like Drunken Asshole said? I hope it's true...
  16. Re: HELICOPTERS!?!?!?!? FLIR (forward looking infa-red) isn't x-ray vision. I'm in the military, I use that shit all the time, and humans don't radiate enough heat to be seen through an engine block from the air. I'm not saying it's easy to get away from, but if you know it's limitations...
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