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John Galt

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Everything posted by John Galt

  1. Interesting. The double feed drill I learned involves locking the bolt to the rear, dropping the magazine, fingering out the stuck rounds, racking the weapon 3 times, then inserting a fresh magazine. Especially now that we use the ACOG optical system on our rifles, I'm not too keen on the idea of beating that thing against the ground. Maybe with an M14 or something similar, but I've never run into a jam on the A4 that I couldn't clear this way. I will say that the two weapons I've handled that had collapsible stocks (the M4 and the M1014) both would have held up to having the stock slammed into the ground.
  2. I've been at work since 3am. It's midnight, I'm still here. I haven't had a single assignment today, I just have to be here. WTF.
  3. Bump the fuck out of that Smut. Coming into some random east coast thread and seeing a flick from a home town cat is nice.
  4. In my two years in the infantry I've never once learned a drill that involves slamming the butt of a weapon on the ground. I'm curious, where did you learn this?
  5. Re: Don't Call it Frisco I'm loving that Jenks.
  6. You say that like it's a bad thing. The 90's are still my favorite period for graffiti.
  7. Re: Don't Call it Frisco Why do you care?
  8. Probably my all time favorite that I've shot is an M1 Garand. It's just plain fun. Other than that, the Binelli M1014 Semi-auto shotgun is a good weapon. I like the Sig P229. To me, .40 cal is just about the perfect round for a pistol. I still want a chance to shoot the MP5 and the Barret. Maybe next year.
  9. John Galt


    AOD, I agree with what you're saying. Gold as a hedge against inflation is not a bad investment. All I'm saying is that betting the farm on gold isn't a good idea. Diversification is a wonderful thing.
  10. John Galt


    The first two links I'll buy into, but neither one is screaming that the sky is falling. Cool, we'll have a recession. I never said we weren't, I said we weren't looking at an all out collapse. Ain't the first time, won't be the last time. I'm still young enough that I really don't need to panic about any of the investments I've made, they'll do just fine when the recovery starts. As far as that last link...Lindorff doesn't have a whole lot of credibility in my book, so his dire predictions don't phase me all that much.
  11. John Galt


    You're assuming a complete collapse of the American economy, which I really don't see happening. If it did however, owning gold wouldn't put you in any better position. I can't eat gold, I can't put gold over my head to keep me warm. You want to have value during a true depression, go learn a skill that you can trade for food. I'm sticking to my guns on this one though. The sky isn't falling, it's just going to rain for a while.
  12. John Galt


    http://http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/114140/dont_invest_in_gold_or_other_precious.html Like the article says, if the shit really hit the fan a chunk of yellow metal is going to be worthless to me. And a return rate of only 3-4% is pretty weak.
  13. John Galt


    Yeah, that's about the size of it. If you want it even easier than that, websites like Vanguard will do it all over the internet. A lot of them have pretty high minimum buy-ins though, mine was $3000.
  14. John Galt


    My investments have dropped 10% in the past three weeks. It's a good thing I'm taking the long-term outlook on this, because part of me just wants to pull my money out right now. That being said, I don't buy into all this "we're fucked" doomsday talk. I think this stimulus package is just a quick ticket for runaway inflation, but I'm confident that the economic cycle will come back around and swing upward. If I had the money (and the time) I would be getting in on companies like Citigroup as mentioned above.
  15. Bump for Lamer, old Bonus shit, and being at work at 230 in the morning...
  16. I really like that Gutr keeps making random appearances in some of these flicks.
  17. I've seen plenty of Sober up in SF, so that excuse pretty much sucks.
  18. Bump this whole page, but especially that last Bonus with the burger and fries.
  19. Bump this. I can't go anywhere without seeing him up.
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