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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by KILZ FILLZ

  1. That’s the date of the transaction but it doesn’t seem right to me
  2. Went thru my CB history for shits and giggles 😮‍💨
  3. Have a home girl who bought 1 BTC back in the day for $1,000 and sold it at $10,000. Still a respectable profit, but it would be really hard for me not to beat myself up over it lol. Honestly maybe like one of the least likely girls you’d think would ever make a move like that, and even back in the day like that! 👏 👏
  4. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4iLz7-suba/?igsh=NzBmMjdhZWRiYQ==
  5. Saw a pay phone on Wednesday. No dial tone but it’s still there
  6. I’m curious is FB is alive by traffic from marketplace? And maybe the groups?
  7. This is the system I am working with instead. Maybe a better system because I’m not at the mercy of the jetboil “pot”
  8. Lol So far all I got is telling him every dog track we see is mountain lions maybe pause at points during camp fire “wait… did you hear that?”
  9. … Who grew up in the city and is on their first ever camping trip
  10. Reverse happy hour. We are in the end times.
  11. Comedy albums? Toss em on while cooking or cleaning. The other album I have of his has a bit about Noah’s ark that is pretty good. Wanna get some Pryor, Foxx and Carlin.
  12. 99c thrift store cop. My second Cosby album Whewwwwwwww wicked selection right there. I haven’t thought of Max Romeo in forever!!! Prince Far I is hard to come across for me
  13. The proper way is dry ice in a cooler shipped overnight. But that is unreasonably expensive.
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