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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by KILZ FILLZ

  1. Sexual abuse is what he’s describing
  2. Acct created 12 hrs ago and those are the only three posts it has lol
  3. Man, five hours!? I woulda bailed once the meter was up!! Lol tempting but not for $50! I’ll try and catch it next time or comes to town lol GLWS! 🍻
  4. That’s a much better method! @Dirty_habiT
  5. Wrap cords around themselves to keep from unspooling when unused
  6. Knot two ends of usb or extension cord to keep them from unplugging
  7. Partially unroll the little wax paper cups to hole more ketchup
  8. I was behind this beast in traffic today see if you can catch the plate frame
  9. @defyonerive never seen one of those skeleton watches in person. Hard time reading the hands at a glance?
  10. @defyonermerged with existing thread. Yeah man, 46mm is giant lol. How big is that Ball? still enjoying my great white Goal for next purchase is a 1986 16013 with champagne tapestry dial as shown. My birth year date just is also the American Psycho watch


    You forgot unreal tournament and goldeneye -5 hipster cred haha @Dirty_habiT


    Played some BR matches with a friend. It’s cool we got to 7 and 8 out of the 150 in our last game. I don’t think I will be playing it more than hardcore dom or search and destroy tho.
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