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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by KILZ FILLZ

  1. Frwy were empty this AM. Very eerie. Doesn’t really happen here unless it’s Xmas morning or something similar. Also very creepy seeing the amber alert signs used like this.
  2. Check out homeboys bandolier B-)
  3. Watching Outbreak (1995)
  4. I keep a stock of dried /canned foods year round. Not so much for boog as much for ease of camping trips. It’s nice just grabbing my large plastic bin of food and tossing in the trunk night before camp trip. Scrambling for camp food days before is an inconvenience. Same with propane for my lantern and stove. Same with water. Get some of those large 5 gal jugs and fill up at the 25c/gal machines in front of the liquor store. They don’t take up much space. Under each sink in the house is a gallon of water at all times. Have come in handy when city shuts off water unexpectedly for water main issues or while trouble shooting a leak under sink. Fully capable first aid kit in back of car at all times has come in handy in minor situations - someone cutting hand on broken beer bottle etc. Those who want help, help themselves if you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail


    I’m already too slow on the sticks! The reflexes of a pre-teen/teen are just too sharp. I usually play with beer on deck too so I’m certain that doesn’t help lol. @Kults


    Canny find my raspberry pi thread in Tech Section from a bit back not mine


    Can use for VR and basically a home entertainment end-all-be-all I imagine? @Dirty_habiT. Been thinking of converting to PC master race but the idea of learning WASD for FPS at 34 y/o is intimidating.


    Tight. How’s the cost of something like that compared to the consoles that come out?
  9. Logistics Dept at work just got told to take their laptops home for the wknd in case they get told to telework for a while. waiting to hear whether my Dept will be told the same. Boss is at a mtg right now and will come back with some info. a lot of my coworkers are Americans who live in Tijuana, curious how this will affect them. a lot of coworkers are freaking out about child care because the schools have been closed up for now but they haven’t been given any info about work.
  10. I’ve been very fortunate with my snake run-ins too, especially when rock climbing out in the middle of nowhere and shoving hands in the rock faces or bushwhacking to and from anchors. Have had some close calls but have been very lucky. Biggest disturbance so far has been pissed off bats at dusk lol Even though there are so many patterns available it still seems like the best bets are a simple olive or coyote color. You can get some smoking deals on camp gear from surplus if you have a need. I was working at an airbase in NV a few years ago and got a good score at the local surplus. Was able to cop a gore-tex rain jacket with powder guard at the waist. Got some good use out of it when I used to snowboard and now Usually keep it in the trunk for rainy days instead of an umbrella.
  11. whatcha got whatcha like whatcha want
  12. @defyonerthanks man I really like it and settled on it after a lot of back and forth. Was able to get the full kit too. I keep it on the speed master bracelet. NATO pic was the only one I had on the phone. It’s a legit GMT with jumping hour hand. Only down side is no quick date set so to jump one calendar day you need to progress the hour hand 24 hrs. Can be an inconvenience if it sits for a week or so and the power reserve drops out.
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