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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Rarely spend a dime these days but here's an amazon order I'm waiting for today, it's mostly work related items. Softcover
  2. I could se myself getting into it. For now I'm enjoying sharpening my skills/muscle memory for boxing/kickboxing. Feels more practical for most street confrontations, or fending off multiple attackers and needing to bob/weave my way out of a situation. BJJ seems way more technical, and I've been hearing so many people swear by it for years it seems like it could be a long term approach to building fitness, and combat skills. From what I've seen it's something that if you're well versed in it can help even the odds with a larger opponents more than any other martial art. I've watched females at my gym pretty much just have their way with male white belts, pretty sure that wouldn't be the case in kickboxing 99.9% of the time.
  3. On schedule to do 2, possibly 3 days a week of BJJ. I started at Tiger Shulmann's this summer which used to be a competitive kick boxing focused gym,. After UFC in the 90's they adapted to include a strong BJJ program. I have to go up a belt in their beginners kickboxing class before getting into BJJ and should earn it by early November. Almost got my ass beat a few years ago by someone who in retrospect clearly trained BJJ, unfortunately for him he wasn't good enough to avoid the hands. I have the feeling it will help me tremendously as far as mental attitude. I'm extremely anti-physical contact. I can't ride the train because I get annoyed when people unnecessarily bump into me, invade my space. I even get annoyed at my wife sometimes if we're sitting too close and her arm brushes mine. Actually rolling with people will put me in the deep end of uncomfortable physical contact, hopefully alleviating some of my annoyance for normal contact. Anyway, just saw this on reddit, thought it was dope.
  4. Best rapper, not even close, but as far as a modern day producer/musician there's very few people in his class. Huge risks, and completely switching up styles even after finding a winning formula, almost every album is like breakout. Like most subjective things, you'd probably have to be a fan to get it. With that said, he's definitely a complete moron/asshole in other areas, but that doesn't mean he's no longer a genius musically. Also, to be honest even though I hate the President personally, for some weird reason I like that Kanye is a Trump fan. It probably took serious testicular fortitude for him come out the closet as a Trumper.
  5. UGcusp7 - Imgur.mp4 ADHD‬ • ‪Zhou Wendou‬
  6. Crazy shit, you might have to open the door shotgun in hand, or tell Otis to hold it until morning.
  7. Well since we're talking mace stories... First one was my homie Storm (R.I.P.) a car full of kids rolled up talking shit to him, so he pretended he didn't hear what they said and walked up to them real casual like he was trying to be helpful and give directions or something. Whipped out a can of pepperspray and lit the entire car up real good, got in a few punches through the window as well. None of those kids had any idea what to do, driver was blinded, kids were scared to step out of the car straight into a blind ass beating. It was like watching poetry in slow motion. My own best mace incident was this time I was driving a cab in Denver. I used to get into altercations every day on that job so I always had a can of mace (amongst other things) ready. I get flagged down by an older couple in lodo, AKA lower downtown but they were across this street which was a one way, 3 or 4 lanes wide. I stopped across the street, waited for all the cars to go past so I could cut all the way over to them and scoop up the passengers. As I'm stopped, the cars behind me understandably got mad, and honked/yelled shit as they went around me. When I pulled up to the older couple some dirtbag, who was king of brawny was walking down the sidewalk joined in with yelling shit at me, like the road rage I caused was contagious and he caught a sidewalk strain of it. The older dude (over 60 for sure) said something to him and dude went up to the old guy and shoved him, knocking him down on the sidewalk. I grabbed my mace and jumped out, went around the car and dude was still standing there with a semi stunned look on his face like oh shit, I just fucked up a senior citizen . I blasted him in the grill with mace, and kicked him pretty hard in the chest knocking the wind out of him, and he went down to the ground. I was still on the clock so to speak, and the hustle in me just wanted to get this fare in the ride, so I was trying to help the old dude up and into the back of the car before anyone showed up and police got involved. I get him up, and started getting him into the car, look back and the dudes wife was standing over the dirtbag dude stomping, and kicking him old lady style while yelling shit in Spanish, it was hilarious. Me and the old dude grab her, we all got into the taxi and drove off. The older couple was laughing like they loved it. They started saying they'd get their relatives to come back to find that guy and beat his ass some more once they got home. Then they started showing me they had gang tattoos on their hands, telling me stories, and we all eventually started clowning the dude we handled saying he got stomped out by an old lady. Good times.
  8. ^^^ I've heard the same is fairly commonplace with human mace. For it to be an effective self defence tool you have to keep it in hand, and ready before a confrontation. Anything else you run the risk of either macing yourself, or just pissing off your attacker. Hand in my pocket, finger on the trigger....
  9. I've heard bear meat is a great substitute for chicken.
  10. https://medium.com/@lopp/a-modest-privacy-protection-proposal-5b47631d7f4c Great article.
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