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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Worst NY pizza fail ever witnessed...
  2. One of the reasons I find the debate surrounding this subject unproductive is the self censoring that has to take place. There’s no “getting to the root” of our differences, and nothing to be learned from listening to someone with an opposing view. A lot of this has to do with one sides tendency to becomes immediately defensive (understandably) over anything that doesn’t follow their narrative that 100% of the problems of racial disparity are due to victimhood, and nothing else could be causing these differences. The other side which may or may not agree with political correctness privately, but isn’t brave enough to risk crossing those boundaries even when they’re obviously unproductive. What were left with is a stalemate, where neither side learns anything from the other. Thats why I have a problem with “make statements when you’re not on the clock”. It’s obvious that has nothing to do with what’s at the core of the issue, and is unproductive. To the other side of the argument that’s in defensive mode, it comes off as disingenuous, they know there isn’t a single person actually triggered by employer/employee etiquette What many of us are hoping for is a new Age of Enlightenment. Where honest discussion of complex subjects are welcomed, and have real results. This is podcast covers the enlightenment subject fairly well:
  3. A bit of good news, to anyone who isn't using Brave because they need a particular chrome plugin for whatever reason, now Brave browser supports all chrome extensions. Keep in mind that if your browser isn't spyware anymore, you might loose that important feature if you're not careful which plugins you're using. https://www.cnet.com/news/brave-ad-blocking-browser-gets-chrome-extensions-with-major-new-version/
  4. You can’t be too careful these days - Imgur.mp4
  5. It’s more difficult to pinpoint the shortcomings of leftist ideology, on the surface it’s clear intentions are to improve people’s situations, the end results of their policies tend to be harmful in the end. perfect example:
  6. Condoms are for fucking pussies.
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