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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Last time I saw a Mexican train the girl made $700 and dipped.
  2. That's the thing though, Bernies too good, and doesn't pander for votes. Trump does, and that's why Bernie is going to lose. I think his supporters would feel stabbed in the balls if he went with an Establishment running mate. She's too off message, and Vice presidents need to say what their told to say anyway. It would be way smarter to go with an AOC VP, Gabbard would have a problem with everything he Bernie said, compared to AOC. It would be worse than McCain/Palen which was a major oof on his part lol.
  3. Tarentino knows he's too white to appropriate that story, only a Black director could pull that off, and surprisingly he's a Canadian, and knows how to pull off the disguise scene on the ship.
  4. I'd say Democrats are even more fed up with their party's establishment now, than the Republicans were when Trump ran last time and pulled the upset. I wouldn't sleep on Bernie. Here's a guy that isn't full of shit for once, after decades of people saying whatever they think will get them elected. He's been about the same shit forever, before it was cool, and never pandered for votes by voting for a fucked up war, or banning gays from getting married, or all the other shit these guys he's up against have. Virtually untouchable in a way that matters. I don't think he'll beat Trump, but if he did win the primary he'd get way more Democrat votes in the General election then Hillary did, or what Warren, Bloomberg, or Biden ever would this time, that's for sure. The only reason Trump even stands a chance against him is two reasons, he's just as energizing to the Republic base as Bernie is to the Democrat base, and he's definitely no sleeping on him like almost every other boomer in the Republican Party would. They'd all just call him a commie, which he is (sort of), economically illiterate and willing to destroy the incentive to be productive, poison to a naturally healthy economy. That doesn't change the fact that most people don't study, understand, or give two fucks about economics. Bernie has something better than that, a type of charisma staying true all these years, while all the other candidates have fucked up, grope on stage regularly, stop and frisk black kids until the supreme court made them stop, etc. etc. Trump recognizes Bernies charisma, and wisely approaches Bernie from a place of respect if you've noticed, instead of dismissal. He's not going out like all the Republicans that laughed when Trump ran. Bottom line, calling Bernie a commie won't get Trump the swing votes he needs to win. His swing votes are coming from the midwest "Blue Collar" states that normally vote Democrat. He's just going to try to win them over with just enough of his own core stoking charisma, and swing vote earning bullshit in his speeches. If you saw the state of the Union, he's working hard for those swing votes. He's not talking about golf, he's talking about black unemployment, wages going up. Not that I like either one of these guys (honestly fuck both of them) but thinking it's going to be easy, and dismissing your opponent was where Hillary fucked up both times she lost. Trump is stupid, but he's not that stupid, which say's a lot about how dumb these motherfuckers that can't beat him, or Bernie are. That's why I'm steady on my fuck the government shit.
  5. I hate this Twitter account, liberty hangout is trash. Imagine calling yourself libertarian and giving a fuck if someone’s gay.
  6. No lie, I only had one myself, but really liked that shit. Hood PR chick from Brooklyn, I'll fall asleep in that wet spot any time. Alright, lil Kim 2019 style:
  7. Mind was blown, was telling someone else about the Parento Principal, and they sent this video a couple days later.
  8. Aww c'mon @Hua Guofang, we need explanations, are those just fancy hair dryers or can they take out an alien?
  9. Mercer


    @misteravenglad you feel that way. I feel we need a complete delete of all legal code on the books, and to start off with a fresh codebase that doesn't need so many patches over the errors & conflicts within the existing codebase. I also agree that nobody is equal, a term so hard to quantify that it's meaningless. I just meant afforded equal rights, responsibilities, and protections under the law. I don't condone placing any one person above others by default in legal matters. I think that right now is a good time to start treating a cop, as equals, especially with todays technology. For example, If an officer can shoot a dog if they're slightly frightened, technically why shouldn't everyone have that right? Maybe it should be that nobody can shoot a dog unless they're actually threatened with eminent harm, including an officer. Rules of engagement for soldiers are normally "fire when fired upon", but for cops it's fire when you're frightened. It's convenient outsourcing all responsibility to someone else, but I'd rather just be responsible for wearing my own body cam and weapon if need be, or having a dash cam myself as the norm, than relying on LE to conduct an investigation and cleanup the aftermath. We're all more likely to get shot by a cop accidentally, than actually shoot a cop. Viewing them as having some sort of elevated status, or as more responsible (legally) because of their profession affords LE officers an opportunity to commit crimes with little to no fear of consequences, even if that crime is captured on film in many cases. I just think it's easier to remove the concept of a privileged position, creating more rules, even if they're somewhat effective is like a surgeon removing 80% of a tumor. We know the tendency towards authoritarianism, cronyism, and government overreach never goes away. Even if the cancer comes back slowly, for example with "common sense gun control" starting with full auto bans, then magazine capacity laws, then nothing that looks too scary laws, then red flag laws, we all know where this scope creep ends up eventually. To treat the cancer, the tumor, and all it's remnants need to be removed fully.
  10. That's what I was thinking, I can't seem to place the face exactly though but it looks familiar AF. Maybe I smashed before and repressed that memory.
  11. @earmuffswhat target are you using? looks like nintendo graphics.
  12. hahaha, Yea, I say smash but that face is probably one of the worst faces ever posted in this thread. If it wasn't for the fully nude shot she'd be suspect.
  13. Mercer


    It's a difference in basic core philosophy that we're not going to agree on @misteraven. From what I can gather, you think the system works, at least well enough to keep basically the same structure, and it just needs a few tweaks to fine tune. My position is that this system is as fined tuned as it can possibly get without either a loss of security, or just a further loss of liberty. I'm advocating for introducing a completely new system, and scrapping the entire old system much like when we got rid of the crown and started from scratch with a constitutional democracy. So with these massive differences in approach, it's hard to stay focused on the topic of just police accountability, or from my perspective individual accountability. I can say this, once someone becomes a functional adult, they are my equal. I shouldn't be afforded any more rights, or any less rights, or be judged differently for the same crime. That's not to say I don't hold my own hierarchy of respect in my own head and apply that as I see fit, it just means by no circumstances do I violate the non-aggression principal on anyone. Adult, child, man, woman, downs syndrome, or certifiably insane, aggressing against any human or violating NAP in any way is not an option for me outside of self defense purposes. I just think police should observe this same principal, which means innocent until proven guilty, no victimless crimes enforcement, etc.
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