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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. I fucking hate Dr. Phil and my hatred is spilling over to other people with the same Texas accent.
  2. https://www.sciencenews.org/article/coronavirus-covid-19-not-human-made-lab-genetic-analysis-nature Excellent article if you're like me and thought the level 4 biolab in close proximity to the epicenter (wuhan market) was suspicious.
  3. Are you arguing there should be no limits on what the state can enforce to make you feel safe? If not, where would be a good place to draw the line? Should there even be a line, or do we allow ourself to make panicked, emotionally based decisions in the moment, void of logical or legal consistency? This is a lazy, circular argument that shows a lack of understanding on how freedom/rights actually works. People often misuse the word "right" for everything they "want" these days almost making that word meaningless, and leading to dead end debates like this one. You don't have a right to "feel safe" if it involves taking away the rights of others. You don't have a right to dictate what other people wear, speak, look at, etc. again that is not how rights work and it's not debatable.
  4. If you mean other people that are risking their own lives, yes, if you mean pulling a strangers mask down and wet farting into their mouth, also yes.
  5. Four mother fucking twenty, on Four mother fucking Twenty twenty. Clearing up to nice weather. Mid 60's today. They see me rollin Had to reboot a 4020, on 04/20 Wasn't 4:20 in the afternoon yet but did it for the camera roll. Screen shooter still waiting for 4:20pm Wasn't 4:20 yet but I did it for the pies. This module is worse than Hitler's birthday. Skeet Skeeted Sweet retreated That date/time tho Wack Snack Jack...
  6. I get it, having absolute control over everyone through threat of force can have it's upsides, and this case might be one of them. For the sake of argument though, let's examine this pandemic from a perspective of war, us against the virus. Let's say COVID-19 is an invading army, en route to sack our small city state of 30,000 people. If we throw everything we have at the invader, we will lose and estimated 3000 soldiers fighting the virus, but we will save the city from being sacked, and the other 90% of the population will survive. Definitely worth throwing all your troops at it if the invading army is Mongol, and would kill everyone if sacked. What if, instead of a Mongol horde, the invading army was a reasonably civil society, and would no doubt preserve the city, and 99% of the inhabitants would go unharmed if the army met no resistance. Then what? Would it be worth it to lose 3000 troops to save 300 people? Forget that scenario for a minute because that comparison isn't very accurate.. Let's skip to our reality for a moment and forget about the invader. Forcing people out of work, providing unemployment, and printing up enough cash to keep liquidity in the economy means absolutely nothing, if the economy isn't producing enough hard goods, and services to trade that printed from thin air money for. Scarcity is just that, and if the inevitable hard good/service shortage, or hyperinflation interrupts the food supply, even a little... Let's just say I'd hate to live in a country that is constantly outbid on the open market for food imports. Stopping the vast majority of goods and services from being rendered all at once can be economically devastating, with untold consequences. Not just on the personal level for individuals and how it effects their employment, but on the macro scale as well. We were just living in the greatest economy the world has ever seen, and are transitioning into the greatest economic shock the global economy has seen. I really hope the food, and other essentials supply chain isn't disturbed too much. Looping back to my point, I don't know if our political leader's efforts will be worth it when the dust settles, roughly the same number of people will die anyway once this virus makes it's rounds over the next 2 years. Going back to the example of the invading army, we're sacking our own city right now, destroying our stores of grain that get's us through the winter, all in an effort to slow down the invading army that will undoubtedly have it's way eventually. It's foolish to sack our own city, and deplete our own treasury, and grains for the sake of prolonging the lives of less than 1% of the population a few months longer. IDK, maybe we'll be OK when the dust settles, I'm thinking most of that commerce isn't coming back when we flick the switch back on, and conflicts will arise.
  7. The weird thing is she's 100% right protesting the lockdown. Fact is if we've still got a constitution here, the right to assemble, and the right to work still exist. "State of Emergency" is what we refer to in programming as a Non Sequitur, it's an error or invalid interjection of lesser code, that invalidates more important codes responsible for structuring the entire codebase. It basically gives one entity the right to choose where, and when to suspend all other rights, while giving that same entity the right to choose which rights it's going to suspend said. It's like placing your hands into your enemies handcuffs, then telling them not OK to lock them, unless of course they find it necessary to do so. After 911 they permanently legitimized: Unwarranted surveillance of U.S. citizens Torture of enemy combatants (war crimes) Torture for US citizens accused of being enemy combatants No right to a fair trial if they choose to charge you with specific crimes The right to demand mass swaths of customer data (no warrant) from businesses and force said business to keep it secret All clear errors or rather Non Sequiturs in the "legal" code. This is why a hierarchical set of laws leading back to one rule that can't be broken is necessary, there are too many loopholes to exploit when you write, and pass laws that are allowed to bypass one another, AKA cause errors in the code. Moving forward I'd assume an even greater set of individual rights, freedoms, and constitutional protections will dissolve. Our core legal document no longer means anything, we've been in a permanent state of emergency for almost two decades now.
  8. Public protesting is the macro version of a teenager throwing a temper tantrum. It legitimizes the government action you're protesting against like "I admit you have the right, and responsibility to do _______ but please mom, I really want to do ______ please allow me..." The only acceptable answer to this type of subservient request must come from mommy, or rather the entity that took your very rights away in the first place. "See, I am a generous god, might dial back the tyranny here and there. This is guaranteed method of steady erosion of freedom, with minor concessions for crowd appeasement along that direct path towards chains.
  9. You can never be too safe. Wash your finger.
  10. I'm not listening to the government recommendations, I'm protecting myself. If they lift restrictions I'll continue to protect myself. This shit is real, I know people in NYC that have tested positive, and I know people that have died. I even know someone who was 38 years old, and not obese or anything who got really sick, then tested negative, and then 2 weeks later test positive for COVID-19 and died shortly after. We have friends in Spain that have lost multiple family members almost all at once, (I know what that's like and it's devastating), but they got no closure or funeral. I talked to 3 people from my old MMA gym that have swore they had this shit twice, like it either never fully went away, or they got it more than once when it was making the rounds. It's fucking real, at least there's something out there that's real and making people more than just a little sick, that much I know for sure and will stake my credibility on that 100%. I'm probably more prone to believing conspiracy theories than the official narrative if were being honest here. Neither perspective matters right now. Worrying about some shit I have no control over doesn't suit my metal state, I'm much better off focusing on what I can help, and my own responsibilities to my family as an adult. I still work, and show up to between 3 to 5 worksites a day, admittedly sometimes feeling out of place walking around with a fucking mask. I come through some places and everyone else is maskless, here I am wearing a mask, gloves, etc. and sometimes I catch a glimpse of that "look at this guy" look. That same mouth breather giving me the look today, won't be able to look me in the eye tomorrow without regret for their carelessness. They'll most likely Darwin the Virus to their own family any day now. I've got those mental notes handy for reckless, after they no doubt start pretend they weren't vibing like Mr. or Mrs. IDGAF later (that is, if they're still around). Thing is, I do care about these mouth breathers, but at the same time I'm not here to dole out unsolicited advice, or support other peoples poor decisions later. It's 100% not my business. If you wanna touch handrails, door knobs, buttons, switches, or anything else someone else has touched bare handed and not wash your hands before fingerbangin be my guest. I won't even give anyone "that look" when I see them acting stupid. You don't want to wear a mask, bandana, or scarf over your face, knock yourself out champ. I'm just here doing me, and I don't see myself stopping gloving/masking up, and practicing social distancing for about a year realistically moving forward. I've canceled all my summer plans, for camping out trips, and focusing on getting my cardio up to altitude right now for when I get it myself. If I'm being honest here I'm good like this, or at least I've got it better than most. Content chilling with only my wife, and my dog indefinitely if I have to, and been social distancing since before it was cool. Didn't ride the subway for years before I left NYC, and started excluding people for minor infractions if you ask my wife, lol. Removing unnecessary human contact in my life has always been kind of a hobby of mine. So switching energy away from social endeavors, and bullshit like dumping money in restaurants/bars, and towards hobbies that favor solo missions, or fam only missions is right up my alley anyway. TLDR: Just fucking be safe.
  11. That's kinda how I got started in this business, running RG59 siamese for a CCTV installer. Things are slow so I'm not too proud to go back to running wires for more hours.
  12. 5:45 am start, sky still kinda pinkish Move the ladder over 6 feet Climb to the top of ladder Zip tie wire to ceiling Climb down ladder Repeat for 3 hrs. Nice warmup Spray hands, gloves, keys, phone with Lysol Clean the hands with the gloves on Take them bitches the fuck off Clean hands with gloves off Take the mask off Drive the fuck off Quick breakfast waiting at the crib... How your small tiddies look when they're bouncing out of sync. Foodporn Back to work, quick job close by the crib, whet that whistle. Time for an up North trip (Snow melting foggy edition) Well lookie here, God damn RTU's (roof top units) at it again. Locked ladder? No key? No access... Mo access... Roof top unit # 5, we finally meet in person. Removed a virus from the nervous system, shopping center's lungs restored It's a celebration bitches What goes up... Must go down (super stoned and scary AF remix) Had 6 hours of daylight left because of the early start, went for a siK drive through a canyon with the wife. We were able to make it out hiking 3 days this week after work, and it would have been 5 except for the weather Light rock climbing, bust a pair of packed in (and still warm) street burritos from the city. Fucking delicious (not pictured was too hungry). Just noticed my feet look smaller than my wife's at this angle, she's not going to like this photo's small dick energy. Dipped to this spot up a little further up the mountains A little colder up here, and the air is much thinner a 3 mile off trail feels like a workout Didn't get cold feet, but the sun is starting to sink Early to bed...
  13. Lately been listening to this podcast: https://www.saltheagorist.com/ ex right wing dude from NY/NJ turned Agorist. Lots of logic, revisionism, etc.
  14. Got them on Amazon for $168 on sale, price shot back up to $224 now for me. 2nd pair was a nice come up, they didn't deliver the 1st pair but had marked them delivered. I bitched about it and Amazon refunded, so I ordered again at the sale price. 2 days later the 1st pair I ordered finally arrived, then the 2nd pair arrived a few days later. Shout out to the UPS drivers that mark stuff delivered, then come through two days later with it after you've been refunded.
  15. Haven't heard of these yet, I'll have to check them out.
  16. There's only one guy in the United States that re-soles Asolos well enough to be recommended, but he's expensive and in Portland. These hiking boots are almost like sneakers, it doesn't really make sense to resole them like a good danner/redwing or real leather boot.
  17. I had Redwings (probably exactly like those) maybe 10 + years ago, probably one of the best work boots. They recommend them for technicians like myself because I'm regularly lifting 50 lbs. plus batteries, but I'm also putting in quite a few miles a day, stairs etc. and prefer the risk of wearing lighter boots.
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