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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. I can tell that shit is delicious because of the lack of styrofoam or plastic packaging. Muscles red as fuck flexin that hemoglobin.
  2. That's what I dug about it also, thought it was an experimental aircraft. Two Dassault Mirages just doing what Mirages do.
  3. Haven't had a bagel since escape from NYC but the lox onion, and capers in that photo make me want one now. That shit is proper, wonder what the name is for that. Good curve ball ingredient was when I went to @misteraven's spot in MT last year and we got some local smoked trout right after I landed with fresh bagels from Russ & Daughters in NYC. My wife and I staring at that bagel now all homesick lol. @pissdrunkwhat?!props for the home grown mint looks good.
  4. Enough fuel to circle the globe, and enough firepower to blow you off the face of the earth twice. KC-135 Stratotanker KC-135 Stratotanker KC-135 Stratotanker KC-135 Stratotanker KC-135 Stratotanker KC-135 Stratotanker B-52 Stratofortresse B-52 Stratofortresse B-52 Stratofortresse B-52 Stratofortresse B-52 Stratofortresse MQ-4C Triton RQ-4 Global Hawk MH-60S Knighthawk Elephant Walk 4-13-2020 at Andersen Air Force Base, Guam 4482 x 5615
  5. There are certainly many who would love to see Trumper, or COVID denier denied healthcare if they got COVID going against the lockdown orders. What percentage of the "other people's labor is my human right" crowd would actually deny healthcare to them if giver the opportunity is questionable, but you'd have to admit at least some. It's a great example of how people would like to use the state as a tool to punish others who may hold different beliefs, of values. This same idealogical persecution is how we end up with books full of victimless crimes, and the cause of almost every controversial political topic. Purposely using the state to purposely interfere with someones pursuit of happiness. I just don't share this same matter of fact faith that no one on the left, (or right for that matter), who's supposedly well educated would ever be so petty as to take every opportunity they could, to use the state to punish those who have different beliefs. We all know examples of dumb policy intended to punish those with different values, and beliefs. If you think about it, that's what drives most of the sensationalized political topics today, ways to use the state to force your views on others. It's too bad this meme offends you for the wrong reasons. The right does this, the left does this, and libertarians want to end this.
  6. Please do, shits insane that walnut bread Damn I could def fuck with this, so simple yet looks super satisfying, wonder if my wife will fuck with spam
  7. Skillet Lasagna Sardine and Tomato With Homemade Sourdough (Mediterranean meets Wild West) Curried Red Lentils With Coconut Milk Sourdough Crackers (Angrymoney Whitepeepo) Roasted Chicken with Zucchini Brazilian Cheese Bread, AKA Home Made Brazilian Cheese Balls that will never leave you cheetofooted. Orecchiette With Bolognese Spaghetti Carbonara Sourdough Scallion Pancake Sourdough Chocolate Chip Lentils Cacciatore (Thermos friendly, blue collar approve). Sesame Banana Bread This shit was fucking insane, once in a lifetime memory of this loaf R.I.P. (Recycled into Poop) Shrimp With Spaetzle Just making shit up now, even Germans don't fuck with shrimp in the Spaetzle like this... Reina Pipiada Arepa (Colorado Style Chicken Sammich) Ricotta Pancakes Pork and Asparagus Stir- Fry Home Made Food Flexxelence
  8. This is where the problem is, that isn't a right. Is there a legal term for this right, is it in a constitution or something? Maybe Australias laws are different but here we have the right to bear arms etc. No laws about the right to see everyone in a mask. Maybe you guys do have something different on the books regarding wearing masks, what profession you're allowed to take, etc. My point is that you don't have a right to dictate what other people wear, what they choose as an occupation etc. Everything someone does has the potential to put others at risk whether it's starting your car, operating heavy machinery, jumping out of a plane, skateboarding down a sidewalk. All these things "needlessly place other's at risk". The logical consistency of your can not be defined because it's non existent. Where is the difference between those activities and not wearing a mask, can it be defined? Is protecting yourself a smart move? Yes. Are no masker's and deniers retarded? Fuuuuck yes (unless they can't afford/access a mask). But at the same time does it set a bad precedent to roll over, and allow the state to force the general public into mandatory PPE, or edicts mandating someone else's livelihood non-essential? In my opinion this is also a problem.
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