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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Probably the only one I'd smash out of the three of them.
  2. @Hua GuofangI'm blown away by the fact the CCP government thinks it can just build a functioning hospital from scratch in 2 weeks. This nincompupery may have been what lead to this problem in the first place. This circles back to previous conversations on here about not having build quality for military applications because something as simple as getting the properly rated grade of steel for these applications is impossible in China. Poor craftsmanship seems to be an almost encouraged cultural feature, and from working with several Chinese contractors here I learned quickly they hold safety in much lower regard. I've got plenty of anecdotal stories like a Chinese contractor bypassing electrical fuses because they kept blowing instead of fixing the issue risking everyones lives on the job site. I kind of think we should quarantine/end travel entering from that country until they get this Corona virus sorted out one way or another. Correct information is never shared unless it makes the CCP look good, so It's hard to trust they're even capable of dealing with this problem realistically if they're unable to be honest even with themselves and face the truth.
  3. Who, whoa, whoa, @Hua Guofangbro since when has it not been cool to applaud slow painful deaths on a massive scale? Bro, do you even edgy?
  4. It flashes like that almost instantly, much like a muzzle flash would and does temporarily reveal your position. Think of it as a normal combustable blast fuse where the entire length of the fuse burns/light up almost instantly (roughly 6500 fps) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shock_tube_detonator
  5. Whoa, whoa, whoa, let's not get carried away here. Massive overbearing regulations.
  6. China probably fucked up, this may be an outbreak of a weaponized virus. The epicenter of the outbreak is less than 10 miles from China's only known level 4 biosafety lab. Basically their version of Ft. Dietrich MD. Also this video is floating around, but not confirmed by anyone credible yet, so it's questionable. But the person is claiming that over 90,000 are infected Rough Translation:
  7. Something you might be surprised by is the Ancap position on IP, which pretty much doesn't acknowledge intellectual property as property. Anything that can be copied is fair game, so long as that copy isn't presented to a consumer as a counterfeit. It took me years, and some extensive reading to accept this approach to IP as valid.
  8. Perfectly timed photo of a shock tube igniting and exploding which sets off the bigger C4 explosion in the background, somewhere in Afghanistan.
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