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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Insane photo of a doctor saying goodby to their spouse before shipping off to Wuhan to fight the virus. Kinda shows how real this is.
  2. Mercer


    See, the only thing that bothers me about this is that they'd just presume guilt in a normal civilian's case. I only seek equality, and accountability, and can't blame them for doing shit like this where they let someone off the hook who didn't actually hurt anyone, or wasn't caught red handed driving like that. You should totally be allowed to get drunk at work and pass out in the wip, unless your caught driving like that. It would be up to your boss if they thought it was in their best interest to fire you. Holding police more accountable than civilians is just as bad as not holding them as accountable. They're humans, and should be expected to be flawed like the rest of us. Throwing him n jail really wouldn't do anything but waste taxes. In this case they're doing the right/smart by not prosecuting, I mean if we're being honest, how many of us would turn our coworkers in considering the fact that your coworkers are responsible for protecting your life because you're constantly put in dangerous situations. I just wish they'd extend that same "no harm done" policy towards the public.
  3. Japanese girl with slammin cheeks 2020-02-05 06.04.45.mp4
  4. Mercer


    Remember_kids._Tomorrow_is_shut_the_fuck_up_Friday-u8wxiadk8cf41.mp4 Shut The Fuck Up Fridays
  5. Checked it out @Fist 666seems legit. I just remembered her as the lady that had the ATF burn down a compound with children inside to seize guns so I assumed it was legit. Don't get me wrong though, I don't believe Snopes automatically, and have found them to be purposely misleading in the past. They have a heavy "mainstream democrat" bias, and focus on debunking opposing perspectives. It's very rare to see them debunk one of the millions of blatantly false anti 2A statements, it's almost always the other way around.
  6. I thought so, still depends on the level of cherry picking done to the results. They never specified how many kids they asked.
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