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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. This is why price gouging is superior, I'm sure somebody came in and scooped up the entire stock for next to nothing, and now they're slinging them for a profit or not even using them, just wanted to have a backup. Bet if they were $20 a piece people would only take what they needed. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-health-masks/beijing-drug-store-fined-434530-for-hiking-price-of-masks-idUSKBN1ZS07I?il=0&utm_source=reddit.com
  2. Whoa, whoa, whoa, there. I'm sure by share you mean sell right?
  3. Spinach Risotto with Taleggio Chez Panisse's Blueberry Cobbler Chicken Katsu shout out to @pissdrunkwhat?! who blessed the first Katsu, or maybe even a schnitzel porn shot on this page. Don't think I didn't notice the presentation on that pizza slice, those drops brought tear drops to my face. Beautiful.
  4. HMFT_after_I_plummet_to_the_ground-zZXkKpJ.mp4
  5. I need to buy one for an airplane flight according to my mom & wife. I don't know about Australia, but surgical masks in public is something only an Asian can pull off in the U.S. Might have to get a lab coat, scrubs, and stethoscope to complete the look.
  6. What would be worse? No masks availiable because people panic hoarded the entire stock or paying more but still having some of them availiable Remember, if there's a massive demand for a limited supply, you can only choose one, and no matter what the situation is going to suck. This will be the most likely outcome, these items are fairly easy to mass produce quickly.
  7. I'm a huge believer in the laws of thermodynamics when it comes to weight loss. (Calories Consumed < Calories Burned). On a side note: @misteravenif you're planning on taking BJJ, I'd suggest cardio, and strengthening your core in preparation at a bare minimum. Obviously I should be doing the same in preparation to move to altitude and don the white belt no stripes myself, but I'm not, lol.
  8. Kind of in the same boat fitness wise and definitely have some work ahead of me if I'm going to dig myself back out. I was 175 starting out this year which is the heaviest I could be and still be inside of recommended BMI at 5'10. Injury had me out for 2 months, and that god damn grill seduced me back up to 185 by end of August, and I held that weight until leaving my job in October. Since then I've been pretty much 100% sedentary outside of the gym, traveling a lot, and just eating like shit. Just over 200 now, but I do think I gained a little muscle weight in the process. Losing this 2nd trimester looking 25 pounds is going to require some serious discipline, but I've held it down since last week so hopefully I can make it down to 190 by the end of February.
  9. @glorydaysFlashbacks to the Eddie Bravo vs Royler Gracie match breakdown: Match starts @ 9:45
  10. @glory daysThings are going pretty well. I've been doing 2 classes a week bjj but not at an actual bjj gym, it's in an MMA gym (Tiger Schulman's). Because of this, we train bjj a little different, obviously no gi, and the main difference we have is training to avoiding strikes on the ground, and some of the illegal bjj takedowns/slams that a bjj gym wouldn't focus on primarily. As far as how I'm doing I love it. Feels like I'm actually learning bjj faster, even though I've only been doing 2 classes a week for less than a year, than I am doing 3 kickboxing classes a week for twice as long. Still get tapped by upper belts as to be expected but probably in the top of my class as far as people who started around the same time as me even though I'm in my 40's now. I think a lot of that is from me never having wrestled, or done any sort of grappling. I'm fighting an uphill battle on correcting heavily ingrained poor technique in kickboxing, having self trained poor technique when I was younger. Starting bjj with a clean slate has made learning easier I guess. I've just started actually hitting submissions (granted on other lower belts) more often than not when rolling. Leaving NYC end of February, and definably doing the most reputable bjj gym in Denver I can afford, or commute to when I get there. I'll probably make use of those gi links you posted in here pretty soon unless they require an in house buy.
  11. The news section is my favorite forum, but I'd rather see it shut down for as long as needed than continue on like it is right now. I was hoping to build it out with good, provocative content and get some more users engaged in here. If it's a shit show, that's never going to happen.
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