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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Haven't changed my position since June other than a couple of minor BTC spends on Overstock. Thinking of moving some out of ETH, and scooping more ADA, and BTC. DOT looking sexier than a motherfucker too might have to research it a little more.
  2. Twinz lol ETH 66.14% ADA 19.00% BTC 14.67% BAT .10% HEX .07% DAI .03%
  3. Remember when politicians bought votes using real money? Pepperidge farm remembers.
  4. For sure he knew as a politician he'd be chastised by the media. Really, I mean when was the last time they didn't portray him either neutral, or on the negative side of neutral and he did this shit anyway for his fam. He's a life long elected official, he for sure knew what would happen coming back with those beach braids like that. People have hypothermia, and frostbite back home, and he's over here flexing his flip flop tan lines, complaining about his margarita hang over. Still he put his family first, and on the serious tip that's what we should all do in a situation like that. It's not like he could help, what's he going to do as a legislator? Introduce an emergency bill outlawing snow? Go fix the grid himself with his bare, effeminate little politician hands? I mean sure, he could have "done his duty" and taken the easy route here. He could have stuck around, spent a couple hours out 4 wheelin in the Texas Snow, passing Pillsbury Toaster Strudels™ out to poor kids that normally only get Kellogg's Pop Tarts™. Posting virtue signal selfies on Tic Tok™ and IG™, pass a kid your aux cable and ghost ride dance and he'd be a hero. Instead he chose to do the right thing and put his family first. I don't believe in this false religion of the state, I'm 100% certain my own family's comfort is my top responsibility. So no joke, if a person is not hurting someone else, and they're taking taking care of their own fam they get my respect for it. I don't care how you're do it, if you take good care of your fam my hat's off to you. Fuck pretending like your wife and kids can't still enjoy life, just because other people are suffering. If that's what's required for you to enjoy life you're fucked. Trying to force people into a role of "fake miserable company" because that's your miserable mindset is unproductive at best, and toxic at worst. Let that man take a little break from being a professional parasite, we all deserve a little time in the sun.
  5. Mechanics basically have to wash their hands before they piss. They probably got tired of cleaning the sink, lol.
  6. When you cash out at the dealership during an ETH dip
  7. It's also tied to your scope of concern. Most people out of habit process financial concerns in time cycles tied to their pay periods, paydays at their jobs. People responsible enough to pay rent, and bills larger than a single paycheck process financial concerns monthly. When you take the step to think ahead a year, or in some cases years in advance, you still naturally process a loss of a mortgage payment/rent in the monthly portion of the brain, distorting it's significance. To make things worse there's also a bias where we disproportionately weigh concerns over negative results, like a dip, heavier than you weigh the exact same positive results, like a price spike. Regardless of what people say with their mouths, this is the real reason most people won't invest. It's scary, counterintuitive shit and crypto is literally like a rollercoaster. The reassuring thing is that in reality, It's price has been rising exponentially for the last 12 years of it's existence. Everyone who's held for 4 years or more has added digits to their net worth, and the technology is still early in it's adoption/implementation.
  8. Most difficult part of buying low, selling high. It's already bouncing.
  9. Wonder if they share my strong hatred of DiJon mustard there. God damn I hate DiJon mustard.
  10. I was looking for a pot of gold, next thing you know I spent a day and a half up a tree. This albino mushroom looking as nigga from the sketch handed me a cup of dice and said get to rollin'
  11. The fuck is this not a Leprechaun documentary yet? Been more than a month.
  12. I'm the same way sort of, never have my phone out of my pocket unless it's absolutely necessary. Waiting rooms, standing in line, anything and I want 100% situational awareness around me. Was in a waiting room the other day and I was the only one not on my phone, looking like I forgot or something.
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