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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Not financial advice, but.... 1. You could be fucking yourself really bad here, so prepare yourself now before you pull the trigger for the worst case. Be ready to pay back the loan by making payments from your job income, as opposed to assuming crypto profits will cover paying it back. You could buy $150k worth of crypto and the next day you've got $75K and payment is due. This shit goes down in price too, unexpectedly. If you can't cover this loan out of pocket with your current income/expenses I don't recommend it. 2. Spread the initial buy out over multiple exchanges, stay under 10k per deposit/bank transfer, and 20k per year max into any single exchange. I'd suggest using wifey's credentials so you can open 2 Coinbase accounts, 2 Gemini's, etc. You'll also do yourself a favor by using multiple crypto friendly banks/accounts. Also, no need to go all in right away, dollar cost averaging in over time will make you less of an IRS target and help reduce overall risk slightly. 3. This type of move is a true fucking yolo, you could make it out the other side of this financially independent if you're smart. There will come a time within the next year or so when the price drops so much it looks like it's over, do not fucking panic sell at the bottom. For sure this is going to happen, it's hard to have faith during these massive dips, but you have to be able to HODL through that shit. Any approach outside of the absolute most disciplined diamond hands and you'll be making a huge mistake. 4. Truth be told, I should be telling you not to do this, any responsible person would tell you it's a bad idea and they'd be right. I'm kind of retarded though. I can't pull this off for myself, and not recommend other's do the same shit I did, and risk it all betting against this bullshit system I'm watching crumble live.
  2. I'm working on a broad overview of cryptocurrencies, how they work, etc.. Won't be ready for a while though.
  3. What are the chances she had to shit during the ambulance ride, and at the hospital all the butt stuff the doctors were doing stimulated uncontrollable explosive diarrhea?
  4. When you check them profits indoors during a bull run.
  5. Basically locks you into a long term hodl, 7% apr is an unbelievably good return, better than most other proof of stake cryptocurrencies. For someone who holds a lot of ETH this means you can just live off from the 7% returns and never need to cash out. Wouldn't recommend it for smaller balances, lower net worth investors because that may be needed as emergency funds going forward and will be inaccessible.
  6. The Estimate is 262 million. That's the number of unarmed people murdered by their own government (This doesn't include war/civil war which is even worse). Don't have a link to his cited, peer reviewed academic studies but the number was estimated by a Yale Professor R. J. Rummel who's studied this topic extensively. Just because it's not as common in the United States and Canada doesn't mean genocides weren't happening fairly regularly throughout the 20th century. Pretty disturbing rabbit hole if you're interested.
  7. People considering buying Bitcoin cash when it's at just $500, and both @whereand @Mercercalled the pump 2 weeks in advance. People instead deciding to fuck around and find out with a meme coin like Doge.
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