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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. I kind of think Biden is telling the Truth accidentally on this one and just fucked up the wording. We're siphoning off the top 0.001% best and brightest out of a pool of talent in the billions from over there. Most of the higher ups in STEM fields in the U.S. tend to have much higher percentages of South Asian's in the upper echelons because you need to be 100x better than your average American for a corporation to sponsor your visa, and bring you here. It's much easier for them to just hire an American most of the time and avoid that headache. When I worked in the IT department at Cornell University, all of the higher ups were from Iran, India, and other parts of Asia including my own department's director. Just sounds racist AF coming out an old boomer like Biden, fairly sure he didn't mean anything by it like "and we need to stop it". IMO the fact we're still able to recruit some of the best and the brightest from around the world and bring them here is central to us staying competitive in STEM fields. That's basically what makes us great, and every other country earth that, for example doesn't have the tech to fly drones on mars like we do "shithole countries" like Switzerland, Sweden, and Norway. Think about it like this, imagine how shitty your city's football team would be if they didn't import any talent from outside of the city.
  2. Yep, I'm old school as fuck. Still smoke the dugout, but using the metal bats that come with your dugout is bad for you. Basically you shouldn't use any metals to smoke out of because depending what is in them, how they were made, etc. they can cause dain bramage. I remember poking pinholes in coke cans, and using aluminum foil to smoke out of apples, and other dumb shit as a kid but apparently that could have contributed to my current retardation situation. These ceramic bats are basically a more holistic way to inhale harmful chemicals.
  3. I used Bitfinex and Binance but it was 2017/2018 and I'd VPN into them from Argentina and used my wife's citizenship there to circumvent regulations. I'd say Kraken is probably your best bet right now to cop ADA. ADA is hard to get in the United States because it was launched with zero functionality, and zero decentralization. Without being fully decentralized coins like IOTA, and ADA are a risk for U.S. exchanges under SEC rules. ADA will be fully decentralized on March 31st the end of this month, opening the possibility for Big U.S. based exchanges like Coinbase, Gemini, etc. to open up ADA trading pairs. That said, ADA is strong right now because it was undergoing a major upgrade during the dip, and (non-U.S. based) exchanges shut down it's trading pairs during the upgrade, so it sat stable while everything else dipped. There's a saying "Buy the rumor, sell the news" and ADA is currently in the "buy the rumor" faze because there are semi credible rumors coinbase will pick it up soon. Traditionally during bull markets, getting listed on coinbase creates an instant spike, followed by a dip. Smart money drove the price up buying the rumor in Jan/Feb, these are going to be the same people cashing out, or "selling the news" when the price spikes following an announcement that coinbase, or Gemini are offering ADA trading pairs. I'm more stupid money myself, and don't plan on making any moves with ADA for a long time.
  4. This is how I picture former oontz crew, that won't come on here now because we're not establishment enough for their tastes. Pro-tip, just reach right through the broken window next time, then you can put the tape back.
  5. Only if it's your team doing it, exactly like the left. When was the last time an American president didn't murk innocents at the behest of special interests?
  6. Then everyone in the military stood up, saluted, then clapped in a thunderous applause. Should have been there swear to god this actually happened. They tried their best to keep this news from getting out to the press, I swear it must be a leak or something call a plumber. In all seriousness this is like a trained 250 pound MMA fighter virtue signaling he didn't sucker punch your grandma (this time) because she baked cookies.
  7. Pretty sure you’d have the funds and technical skills to stake it yourself, cut any exchange risk exposure. For ETH I like the Boxmining route.
  8. uphold sucks balls, withdraw to your bank and just use Kraken if you want to do anything outside of cash out BAT from the browser, Uphold sucks sick ( know. I’ve used it)
  9. Daedulus is the clear safe bet, it I’m using Exodus wallet for ADA which limits functionality but I just hold. Staking on Exodus is literally 1 or two clicks of the mouse and they default to Everstake pool.
  10. If you read all the comments on that channel you might find specific stuff about ADA but it should work.
  11. Also recently copped a 100 pack of ceramic crack pipes. I was born in the 70's and still smoke weed like it. I carry around a weed dugout more than I carry around my phone and these things always break when you drop them.
  12. Waiting on a classic Colorado March blizzard to fuck around and find out. 2 stage, this thing made me want to clear my entire yard like it was a lawnmower then help clean up over at the neighbors. We just had a small 6 to 7 inches but I felt like shit afterwords since I basically have to clean my entire steep driveway (that dumped me onto my neighbors lawn once even with 4wd, maad embarrassing).
  13. @Dirty_habiTif I had to guess, I'd say Microsoft probably had to leave at least one of those back doors for 3 letter agencies to exploit. They had him backed into a corner he'd probably have to negotiate from for a while with that BS anti trust suit. That's the only feasible scenario where Microsoft/Gates would intentionally make their software prone as there's no motive otherwise. I'm not sure if that's the case now, but for sure feel like there had to have been some intentional fuckery. At that time there were very few infosec/software experts compared to now, and a good portion of that community was already tainted by/recruited for 3 letters agencies. The adoption of apple's iOS now, globally is at 90's/early 200's levels of Windows adoption. Yet apple's OS is not plagued by any viruses, granted the app store system blocks a lot of that potential, but code superiority should take most of the credit. Same goes for MacOS, Linux, and Android, shits way more secure than windows. My theory was Gates was pioneering for most of the early development of windows, then had to make every new version of Windows after that backwards compatible to it's past inferior structure to accommodate the 3rd party software, that in turn sucked because it had to be compatible with that shitty OS.
  14. Staking rewards just went up from 4.21% to almost 7% for ADA. Your first 20 days of staking you don't get anything, after that new ADA is automatically assigned to your account. I've got a shit ton of ADA from 2017, and started Staking January 5th 2021, so in just under 40 days of staking (60 minus the 20 day wait), I've earned earned 4.214% 333.43081(ADA) equals roughly $390. Income of $300 a month means I can move to certain places in the world (that I actually like) and live relatively comfortably. My strategy this cycle was to move most of my stash into Bitcoin while everyone else is going crazy for ADA during Alt season. I've decided not to, and stack/stake more ADA since I think my position in ETH, is too damn high. Hard to guess if I'm just FOMO ing here when I see a coin go up, but that staking income can literally, and finally grant me freedom, and allow me to pursue passion projects. Not trying to flex here, just want to encourage anyone reading this to start saving up now, buy a little bit of crypto every month over the next 3 to 4 years if you don't like working hourly wages/salary. You'll also be protected from the impending monetary crisis. To anyone thinking now is a good time to buy Cardano/ADA, I'd just invest in BTC until next February, then flip that into ADA.
  15. This is Charles Hoskinson, one of the co-founders of Ethereum, and probably one of the worlds most successful mathematicians. Millionaire before 23, billionaire before 30 just off math, been working on building Cardano (ADA) for the last 4 years. He's heavily tied to the Academic community, and all of the experimental cryptography they work with on his current project Cardano goes through the academic peer review process which is why Cardano's development is so slow. Anyway, with that said, his statement on being happy the lockdown is lifting in Texas made waves in the crypto, and Academic communities. Se he just doubled down earlier today. Might have to click to periscope or whatever to watch. Price for ADA also been slipping (slightly), and I'm invested but don't care because I held through 2 cents and it's holding above a dollar. Also like it when CEO's have the balls to speak their minds on stuff even if it risks a little net worth in the process. More meaningful when they have sway in the academic and stem communities, as opposed to some bullshit celebrity.
  16. After creating multiple versions of the most virus prone operating systems to ever exist, Bill Gates is now focusing on humans?
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