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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Gotta say I'd probably do it with minimal alcohol optics, those legs are pretty thicc. Probably try to keep it on the L though, she looks like she'd call the cops on a BBQ.
  2. So you'd prefer more of an Authoritarian CCP style leadership in America, like Bill up there?
  3. IMO He's about 1A freedoms, and that's about it, under his Men's Warehouse children's size 3 suit, lies a tiny liberal hard on for totalitarian, and authoritarian government policy. Of course he wishes he had the absolute power of the CCP. It's cool how he bounces back and forth between exaggerations, on both countries, but let's be clear on one thing. China sucks to live in because of their government. Granted, authoritarianism has it's perks. I mean you can snuff out COVID if you can lock everyone up in place, because you can track, and trample on them at will. Of course they're putting up buildings/infrastructure faster, they've got a long way to catch up, and it's due to the loosening of policy, not because of the tighter centralized control the CCP has. Realistically speaking I'd say more people in China would prefer the United States, compared to people in the United States preferring China. Not even comparable by many metrics that measure the standard of living. China's middle class has no where near the perks we enjoy here. I mean the fact our infrastructure, and income affords nearly every adult American a car is preferable than forcing us out of our dope ass foreign and domestic cars, and into a high speed cattle car. Not going to happen, fuck a train tax. By every hard metric we're still winning here and it bothers me when foolish people that may have never stepped foot in Asia think China is "better" lol. When you look at the individual consumption of goods, property owned, net worth, income, personal freedoms, etc. compared to China American's have it better. We also don't have the FBI swooping in every time we slightly criticize them, or a muslim genocide poppin (within our own borders). Comparing two countries is complex, and because of varying values, person to person, it's impossible to declare an absolute better country everyone can agree on 100%, but Come the fuck on son. China? Bill Marr is occasionally right on very specific topics, and entertaining as fuck. Overall he's just another "if I were in charge" fashionista piece tool for the Democratic Party. Disguised as an "independent thinker" because he doesn't engage in identity politics as we've grown to accept. Knit picking the worst of one system, to compare against the best of another system is statist propoganda in my ears. To achieve what he's implying in the United States you'd have to give up all your rights and most of your paycheck (fuck taxes). The way he say's it, it's sounds like the only sensible thing to do is let the CCP run things for us to. A true master, at the art of grift.
  4. Yo, I'm not sure if this is normal or not, but I have no urge to fuck out doors. I did when I was younger, because I didn't have a place to fuck indoors. Fuck around and get a pine needle in the booty hole if you're not careful.
  5. There's a war going on right now nobody is safe from. It's the state, against everyone else. The only way to win is through non-violent, counter economic tactics, and decentralized irregular warfare, sabotage. Anything else and you're left with the same thing, another army that's only means of funding is coercion, and taxes, thus another state. If there's another state, that just means more god damn taxes.
  6. I can't lie, I'm addicted to cheap labor myself. Alway's looking for a legit fix. I buy best quality, lowest price to my choosing and could honestly give a fuck less about how much someone else is earning at their gig, because I know that job is 100% their current best option, or they'd be doing something else. I'm just trying to save time and money. Last blizzard these three immigrant dudes cleared my neighbor's driveway, and sidewalk in like 10 minutes, I felt like that was a massive flex, not something I should be upset about. I mean I can't blame him, I broke my back doing my own driveway/sidewalk, and then dropped $700 on new snow blower like a fool, because I didn't have the connect. I encourage non-criminal people to try to move here 100% illegally, and just live off crypto, under the table shit it's so dope out here. I've got a few friend's from up your way @KultsI've offered to help out in that effect. To me, I'm just cold blooded, and it makes no difference to me who violates my shit/ Immigrant, or non-immigrant, both will get as much venom as I can spare. It's not like I'd be faster to forgive/excuse an American, or someone who looks like me, or someone who's from my block, and even got the same shirt on that I have. I'm still no mercy mercer. To me you're either in violation, or you're not. I can't be madder because of the GPS coordinates of the violator's mom's vaginal the moment they came out of it. To me that's meaningless data not even worth vectoring, and it's weird how that shit is so important in varying degrees to most other people. I guess most other people haven't lived in other countries long term like I have either but it's still weird to me.
  7. Excellent use of tax money.
  8. You wish, this post of yours reveals you true desires. The dark side flows through you. It is part of you, shaping the superior patterns of key klicks that are embedded in your very soul. Join us again on the dark side, and together we will not rule the universe together.
  9. Blue check twitter almost figured out the Slayer shirt loophole we've know about for years. That pentagram like pattern in the "straight" frame looks awful familiar. R.I.P. @dowmagik
  10. Happens to me all the time. I've posted the same meme @Kultsdid on the same page more than once probably.
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