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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. I just think forcing some sort of impossible drug free utopia takes the cognitive dissonance of a communist that denies it leads to poverty every time. The war itself does way more harm than drugs do, and it's ineffective considering you can buy crack in max security.
  2. Even if they did, the cops should catch bullets. At best the accusation is they were selling drugs, AKA not hurting anyone, AKA not stealing from, anyone. Fuck anyone who signs up to do state sanctioned home invasion/robbery for that. Real criminals that pose a threat to life, yea, that much force totally justified. These no knock pussies are professional bandits.
  3. My view watching stimulus Checks get deposited, and the U.S. Treasury/Federal reserve increase the supply of USD by 40% in a single year.
  4. Bill Burr cool as fuck, probably throwing angry old man vibes as a teenager. The time he dissed the entire city of Philadelphia, while in Philadelphia was probably one of the greatest moments in comedy history. He also handed Rosanna Scotto her own ass live on TV "Don't you think you took the Catholic Church jokes too far?" Bill: "What??? Don't you think the Catholic Church took things too far?"
  5. And you though child sex rings were made up? This guy's entire department is dirty. https://libertarianinstitute.org/articles/cop-convicted-of-child-sex-ring-participation-will-serve-no-jail-time/ Conspiracy fact. Also, these are just low level operators that are expendable as scapegoats.
  6. @Dark_KnightI think the only reason that's possible is their country doesn't waste trillions on defense, and outnumbers us by more than a billion population wise. Eventually they'll catch up if we keep disregarding our own economy. As capitalism lifts the rest of the developing world up from poverty, Developed nations will lose their advantages (economically) over less developed nations. This loss of advantage isn't a net loss for more developed nations, because the economy isn't a zero sum game requiring one loses, so another can win. The better off the rest of the world becomes, the better off we all become. By virtue of exchange, one person's prosperity is beneficial to others.
  7. Throw some floor jacks in the basement/crawlspace if possible before continuing.
  8. Depends which left/right government worshipper you ask, each one has a preference on which pair they prefer to lick.
  9. Think about it. Only a bad motherfucker would have most of the other developed nations on board, hands dirty, actually doing half our dirt for us, so nobody can say we were wrong for it. China will never be on our level.
  10. We're getting closer to a shot of that trail booty, and her cheeto feet, I can feel it.
  11. Edibles + Vaginals is like the most decadent, indulgent shit ever, can't believe it costs less than $5 to feel that good. I'd hate to ruin the vibe though poking into the wrong beach clam, or seaweed sticking to the sack..
  12. I should say, I think Bill Marr was anti Iraq war II when it counted so that was one grift I can fully condone.
  13. I'm not far right, I'm an Anarchist. There's a difference. I don't want to force my views on anyone, unlike the left, and right wings. The United States is fucked, but it wouldn't be better in China, or we better off if we "ran things" like China that grifter implies. That's some stuff that should remain within the confines of comedy, not popular political opinion.
  14. Sort of agree, but aside from what that grifter says, you're way better off as an American than a Chinese citizen. Standard of living, health, freedoms many metrics. I mean the fact we're classy enough to have our muslim genocide off shore should be proof we're winning.
  15. If you can keep that thing hard enough to do the deed when that wig come off, and them wrinkly ass tiddies in your face god bless you.
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