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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Not so sure, I think the big religious sand castle in the room is Israel. They've been trying to get us into it with Iran since gulf war II with varying degrees of success. Not that they're actually threatened by Iran, it's just more comforting for them having us around murdering people and stuff. I've seen this same shit in the hood. The more we pull out (of the region) the less chance they're getting that support check. They want to keep us fully engaged if you know what I mean.
  2. That's why you always need a backup.
  3. Home made solutions for people don't like to shoot straight.
  4. I used to work in design all day, and I don't know if it was the design work itself, or being stuck in a cubicle but when I got off work the last thing I wanted to think about was line and color. I'd imagine working in the culinary arts field would have a similar effect. Then again, I couldn't imagine eating processed food after preparing, and being surrounded by much better food regularly. Plus there's the full creative license perk, but I guess my point is you'd have to be pretty devoted to benefit from that.
  5. You ever got your ass whooped so hard your tattoo starts to disintegrate.
  6. I just wish they'd make up their minds on who's side we're on. Either you're on the side of Iran (Shiites), or you're on the side of the organization we helped build to fight them in Iraq (ISIS). I just don't get the flip flopping Obama, Trump, and now Biden keep doing. Iran and Syria are literally fighting ISIS or whatever they're called now and we're over there dropping bombs on their mortal enemies for literally no reason at all. I'd just let, or better yet help Iran win that shit, liquidate ISIS and station those troops someplace it doesn't suck camel balls to be stationed at.
  7. One way to judge how well a President is doing is seeing how many campaign promises they've kept since winning the election. Respecting people's preferred pronouns ✅ Bomb a small country that poses zero threat ✅ Stimulus checks going out (not for you lol, for the rich) ✅ Drug war, victimless crimes, & mass incarceration still in effect ✅ Literal babies, and toddlers doing hard time in aluminum foil blankets ✅ Democracy is near perfect, and clearly he's the best possible leader to be chosen, for us to choose.
  8. More importantly Cardano's blockchain is now a fully decentralized, meaning Coinbase (or any other regulated exchange) has a green light to list ADA in the United States if they wanted to. Watch for more price action the closer we get to an announcement. That's why the whales aren't dumping it (yet) they're probably thinking buy the rumor, sell the news. This also puts DOT and ADA in a place where they can expand their ecosystem rapidly during time when ETH's fee's are out of control. I'm having trouble choosing what to sell to take some profits from, long term all this shit is promising and ETH looks like it's going to implement ZK rollup tech soon to help reduce gas fee's drastically.
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