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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Mercer


    Damn, look how proud these pussies are flexing a fucking work tool. Imagine being so deep in your state religion you'd kidnap and punish somebody for owning a fucking leatherman wave, then virtue signal like you've done everyone a huge favor.
  2. The draconian bullshit they were planning like you need to register your wallet, etc. got put on hold by Biden's administration day one. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2021/01/20/regulatory-freeze-pending-review/
  3. If capitalism wasn't my religion, so like if I was dead, I'd reincarnate as a Bernie Bro. What's not to like. Brooklyn accent, probably the only honest man (as far as he knows) in a sea of reptilian slime, and he's wearing fucking mittens some teacher knitted for him. That lady probably freaking out seeing her mitten's getting rocked in DC so hardbody. Clearly he's not fucking around, and got shit to do after the inauguration like get that rent check deposited, stop by the post office and get stamps for this shit he's mailing for his wife, then try to catch the last bus back to Vermont by 6:30 if he's lucky. Bernie's a G, gotta respect the hustle.
  4. Morelove_Agros_Porn_GIF_by_Booty_GIFS_RedGIFs-RecentSecondhandCony-mobile.mp4
  5. You could easily retire on that one day if you sold, then invested it. Hope you're up on that 2.8% refi game.
  6. When she finds out it's twice as big as her brother's
  7. If he watched what I did with her, his inadequacy would haunt him for life. He's be in Channel zero talking about "have you seen Mercer's pee pee?"
  8. Probably the only thing that would get me to denounce capitalism (my religion), at least temporarily. I'm sure Mises, and Rothbard would understand.
  9. Been taking some nasty smelling pisses all week from asparagus. Sometimes I forget because I'm all stoned when I smell it, then question my own vaginal health for a second.
  10. The legal counterfeiting the federal Reserve is engaged in devaluing the US Dollar. AKA Socialism for the rich.
  11. margin_call_degenerate_-_Museums_in_2035-1349388775470870534.mp4 It's Beautiful
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