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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Stimulus payment in April of $1200 invested into Bitcoin would now be worth $6,495.
  2. Ooof @poes, I spent about the same to cash out $250 worth of HEX I had in 4 separate hex stakes. Transaction failed on the 4th withdrawal gobbling up my transaction fee, so I still have a good bit staked.
  3. Theoretically you could make money timing the market. In reality though, most that use this approach lose money eventually. Bitcoin isn't like a stock where you can inspect their balance sheet and compare against market trends. It's also too easily manipulated. This is based on my anecdotal experience but I've never met a successful trader, either online, or IRL. I do know several people that did well for themselves just holding, myself included.
  4. Retail investors just jumping in this over the last month or two, and their weak ass hands. As soon as it dips just a little, they panic. You have to shake these pussies free before moon. Bitcoin also just bounced off it's ATH ceiling before being strong enough to blast off.
  5. Me calculating which one of my shitcoins will spike next What_half_of_the_DDs_posts_sound_like_to_me-7u30nhyhaka61.mp4
  6. Almost missed this, she's holding up that coconut on a kegel tether.
  7. Almost certain something like this would actually sell well on amazon, advertised with boxing gloves. It's like wearing your sweaty workout shoes with no sox, over and over again until you realized you've fucked up an expensive pair of gloves, and your hands still smell like balls a little even after you're done cleaning them. Pay extra for product placement with boxing/mma gloves, $28.99 per 6 pack of handerpants. Wraps suck if you rush them, and take forever, and most of the under-gloves have bullshit velcro and unnecessary features to justify their price. That shit makes them uncomfortable, and get stuck when putting gloves on, or taking them off. Handerpants could finally win the war against stink fists.
  8. Deepfakes_are_getting_so_intricate-z5jlm81jbka61.mp4
  9. Boogerbeard_-_Happy_New_Year-1344769846349762561.mp4
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