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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Mercer who is also good at carpentry and would like some people to disappear:
  2. @~KRYLON2~just sub'd the Essential Craftsman. Watching that first video thinking economists could learn a thing or two from this dude.
  3. Point is spot on, but I'd argue that technically Trump was Economically left, but further down towards libertarian of Biden. Anyone remember when he wanted to dump yuuuuuge pandemic checks, and the only politician that supported it was Bernie? TLDR: Trump was a filthy Commie
  4. I'm almost as fat as he is now "skinny" and it's fucking killing me.
  5. Dear Mama, I'm sorry for airing you out as a crack fiend in one of my most popular songs.
  6. Been watching Bama Bass's 5 acre pond build. No idea why, but literally watched the entire series.
  7. I've found that not using/avoiding the banking system altogether is difficult, but the best solution. We're entering into a phase of unprecedented fascism, and it's not what you think. Fascism literally has nothing to do with racism. Racism exists in every governance system that desires it including (especially) in constitutional democracy. Fascism, by definition is where large corporations (banks) and the state conspire to form a symbiosis, it's designed to crush the individual, and any dissent from authority. Why they're doing this now, during "peace times" is beyond me since normally this level of authoritarianism prevails during a major world war, or wartime buildup where all resources go towards the military. My guess is the intellectual weakness of the government educated population. I mean they're probably thinking fuck it, why not, with a population too retarded to understand just how problematic totalitarian systems of corporate/government symbiosis is, and was during the early half of the 20th century (Nazism/Fascism/Communism) in Europe.
  8. Probably one of my favorite Youtubers, this dude can fix anything, also filmed himself welding together a huge steel fortrace.
  9. The more I go into rabbit holes on youtube, the more I find myself getting into weird hillbilly shit. Wife always comes in the room and be like "what the fuck are you watching", "Nothing honey this dude is fixing his Caterpillar's hydraulic drive check it out." Anyway, kind of feel like someone who knows how to actually fix shit, drive off road, hunt, fish etc. isn't appreciated by city slickers like myself enough. That said, if you've got a favorite blue collar youtuber post that shit up. Guns Boats Tradesmen Craftsmanship 4 Wheeling & Offroad ATV - UTV - Snowmobiling General Hillbillery Gonna kick this off with my latest fave.
  10. Correct, the $600 limit was chosen because transactions over $600 to private citizens are required to be reported already. Any business paying an individual less than $600 annually can still write that off as an expense, and if audited only needs to show the transaction. Anything over that is technically required to be reported either through payroll taxes, or through a 1099 before the business owner can claim it as an expense. Make no mistake, this measure is 100% aimed squeezing out the poor, and lower middle class from performing any under the table work, or things selling say a used car, etc. without the government getting their "fair share". Pulling this type of move against the rich will get your next campaign defunded, but the poor, and middle class are (in general) too stupid to understand what this means until it's too late, and they get a letter from the IRS. Good luck to waiters, waitresses, or anyone else that needs to deposit cash to pay their bills.
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