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Everything posted by giggity

  1. Dear Pizza, I wish you would magically appear in my lap. <3, me
  2. Re: Have you bitches ever had a crackhead try to sell you something?! ive had a crackhead try and sell me crack.. yeah. downtown is pretty gross.
  3. Re: post your meals photo thread!! wheres the fried baloney sandwiches at?
  4. i hate when i have to shit and im at a mall. j.k.
  5. "I don't have time for anything other than being a mom!!" from her myspace fuckin whore
  6. what a douche! now we're all gonna die early cause morons like that buy fucking ozone burning metal traps like that shit. fuck... u know how hot it gets in texas! my skin melts.
  7. i watch ninja warrior whenever possible. im contemplating in signing up my dog for it. ninja dog. he jumps EVERYWHERE. like a grasshopper.
  8. im sure the hits are from when each image u have up are uploaded where ever u posted them..
  9. making it a pb with bananas sandwich!
  10. ive had frog legs in mexico.. not so good.
  11. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! ewwwwwww:yuck:
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