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Everything posted by DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER

  1. Hey now hold up. Don’t forget ageist, sexist, and homophonic too.
  2. They and them are plural. There was only one person driving. And if that somehow wasn't intentional, then you're probably right about it being a woman driver. A elderly, Asian, woman driver. 😆 .
  3. @!@#$%Where you at? Chime in on this. 😆
  5. I’m calling bullshit! This fool already got poked by someone else and deliberately went into that store and played that shit in front of the camera thinking he’s somehow gonna get a lawsuit or something. 🤣
  6. LOL are we just assuming it had to be a woman driver? 😆 Ok then, her light was clearly already red before the green arrow that he blew.
  7. How would you know, you tried it? That's what she said. .
  8. I remember coming to this exact same conclusion, almost word for word, the first time I tried a cigarette when I was 8 years old. Then I tried it again when I was 11 and it just confirmed my original stance. "People spend money to get addicted to this shit and it don't even get you high? Eeeewwww.... Nah, I'm good." 😆
  9. Absolutely not. If you're scared, just don't buy it. I'm no vegan, but I think it's cool. Haven't tried it yet, but if it sucks I'll just stick to the real deal. 🤷‍♂️
  10. Symbols never worked on CERN and was never on 12oz! It's a false memory created by the mandela effect! She never existed! 😆 .
  11. I don't know man, if I were able to get my family the fuck out of this country, I would. But I'm also a grown ass man who's set in my ways. I'd still dress how I dress, listen to the same music I always have and hang out with people who are more like me who I could more easily communicate with and relate to. I'm not mad at people from other countries who stay around their own people and cling to their culture. America's always been a melting pot. Or at least ever since us white people invaded it. I'm sure the Aboriginals feel a certain way about all of you's too. 😆 .
  12. Have you considered it being lost to that so called "mandela effect? Where shit that all of us of a certain age clearly remember all of a sudden being scrubbed clean from existence? Like Ed McMahon supposedly was never the spokesman for Publisher's Clearing House Sweepstakes, etc? One theory is that it's google conducting a social experiment to see if they can change the perception of history by literally scrubbing all evidence of this shit clean from the records, and because the younger generation literally only believes what they can google, they can gaslight us all into looking stupid. Another theory is that the Haldron Colider put us into an alternate universe where shit is different. Do you remember that chick Symbols supposedly had something to do with that? I really wont somebody to track her down and get her opinion about this.
  13. Holy shit, the @-ing thing actually does work! WTF is with all you dudes using legit emails for this shit? 😆 I been mostly MIA from this shit for a decade or more, but still pop in from time to time. Apparently these dudes are trying to resurrect this shit from the dead. And it seems a lot of oldheads are actully coming back. See how it goes. You still in SA? .
  14. And the light was red! I just watched it again to see if I was tripping, the light was literally red for that car! It was a left green arrow for the traffic coming from where the bike was coming from, he still ran a red by making that right, but the car literally ran a whole red light just to run him down. 😆 .
  15. I feel you, but I'm still standing firm that it was intentional. This was also clearly in a city, and you can literally see the car accelerate after he was already right in front of them making all that noise. I don't give a fuck if it was a 70 year old asian woman, that was clearly intentional. 😆
  16. My man, are you like me? Do you just pop up every couple years then disappear for a couple? My earliest memories of dude was him crying about his girl being a graff hoe and how she's playing him and breaking his heart and such. Then years later he's joe citizen angry at the world and talking shit on criminals. Then fast forward to years and years later I come back and he's a full blown MAGA shithead spreading all kinds of Faux News and Qanon bullshit disinformation on here and literally defending that teenage kid who's mom brought him across state lines with his AR-15 to shoot down BLM protestors like he's some kind of hero. The guy is a total right wing fuckwit who only ever took pictures of graffiti to impress his graff hoe girl who kept cheating on him with writers, from what I can tell. The guy never gave a flying fuck about our culture. He was just some kook who briefly hopped a trend back in the day because his girl was into those type of dudes, and who only stuck around as a way to stalk her because she found her way onto here too. .
  17. Nah, that speed up was intentional. Even if they were looking at their phone, you can't ignore all that noise the dirt bike was making.
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