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Everything posted by DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER

  1. How you gonna do that, by digging up a old post of some random dude on the internet telling you so? Tell me this, old internet friend. Is it true what these other internet screen names say about you getting duped by Qanon and falling head over heals down that rabbit hole?
  2. Son Of Woman? Shreiking Old Wombat? Severely Overpriced Widget? 🤔
  3. “My buddy knows this guy from college who says Hillary Clinton is Batboy’s mother. The friend of the friend used to babysit Chelsea back in the day.” 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  4. Look at this stupid nigga pretending he has a Gatling gun. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 and no, you cannot own an actual, functional tank. Not one with a cannon anyways. Already established. Go eat some more paint chips.
  5. And Q is a high level official in the US government, right? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  6. Hah! If someone of that status and fame was shooting rocket propelled grenades at people, at home, on US soil, something would come up about it on a google search. But some guy on the internet told you this, so it must be so. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  7. Facts > bullshit told to you by some rando on the internet.
  8. Don’t forget Vaj told some of us about you and your lack of manhood. 😆
  9. Price is irrelevant, most people probably can’t afford a AR. Do you think any rich asshole should be able to buy tanks? And last I checked it’s so ridiculously hard to get a license for fully auto that it’s damn near impossible, so no, being able to own Gatling guns isn’t really a thing outside maybe a few people. And I just tried to fact check Hunter S Thompson owning a RPG and literally nothing came up. So I’m just gonna call your bullshit on that too.
  10. That sounds kinda “elitist”. Should people of my “lesser” knowledge of guns not be allowed to own them?
  11. So you agree that everyone should have fully auto Gatling guns on their lifted trucks, but you draw the line where? On helicopters? A-10s? What about tactical nukes?
  12. Not at all, just pointing out blatant facts. I’m guessing there’s a reason why you’re taking that personal. 😆
  13. Also, not for nothing, but you’re kinda sorta inadvertently making a argument for just letting anti gun people ban assault weapons again, like Clinton did in the 90’s. If a AR, AK, HK etc are no different than a mere hunting rifle, if they’re the exact same thing, then why give a shit if there’s a compromise that bans one while leaving the other legal? And don’t give me that “if one weapon is banned then they’ll come for them all” bullshit. You’re smarter than that, Casek. There’s no way in hell you’re stupid enough to think that any nut ass Tom, Dick or Harry should be able to walk into Walmart or their local gun show and buy a RPG, flame thrower, Scud missile, Apache Helicopter or F-18 fighter jet.
  14. Hence why I made the 38/357 comparison. Different powder capacity for a stronger punch with more distance.
  15. Trumptard judge will falsely instruct jury that they’re not allowed to find incel guilty.
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