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Everything posted by DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER

  1. Nah, different guns. Different rounds. Different round capacity. Different purpose. Different guns..
  2. Fucking Christ… those all gotta be made by some art school flunky who did way too much LSD. The one’s I clicked on reminded me of coming down from bad trips by myself locked in my room and fully convinced that “this is it…. I’m permanently insane now. I’m never gonna come down, I’m stuck here for all eternity.” 😆
  3. Including the Antifa guy who killed that trumptard in Oregon who jumped out on him and his friend with a knife?
  4. ^Says the retard. Literally everybody knows a AR-15 is an assault rifle. You can argue about it till you’re blue in the face and pass out from lack of oxygen, and we’ll all just point and laugh at you.
  5. Apparently it is, because yall the only ones defending this fuckboy. That said, “left/right” had nothing to do with teenagers from Compton. Answer the question.
  6. People get murdered over parking spots in Philly. Your friends are probably Manhattan yuppies.
  7. There’s that classic trumptard projection again. Literally everything you accuse me of sounds exactly like you’d fit the bill.
  8. Must’ve been years ago, because I have no recollection of even considering driving 4 hours to fight someone from the internet. imagine trying to clown someone for not showing up to fight after you’re the clown who just got duped into driving 8 hours round trip. 😆
  9. This isn’t China, and he did fake cry in court. And that MAGAtard “judge” is definitely acting like incel’s defense attorney. “Charlotte” is definitely a dude though. I’ll give you that.
  10. That fool lives in Dallas if I’m not mistaken. That’s like 4 hours away.
  11. Yep, definitely talking to yourself.That’s you all day. Exposing yourself with that standard, run of the mill, MAGAtard projection. 😆
  12. It’s almost comical how you cultist fucktards are brainwashed into a opposite world reality, where fake news is real news and real news is fake news. Good is evil, evil is good, black is white, up is down. You people need to drink the poison koolaid and just fucking die already so this country can get back to some semblance of normalcy.
  13. Nah fam, you’re the one spouting all this weirdo shit. I’m just trying to figure you out.
  14. Tell me, did you get the best of both of your parent? Did your pops fuck the living shit out of you, then did you turn around and fuck the living shit out of “her” after the operation? 😆
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