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Everything posted by DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER

  1. And the evidence shows that he literally crossed state lines with an ASSAULT RIFLE for the sole purpose of killing protesters. Stop trying your hardest to prove yourself an idiot. It’s the farthest thing from a good look.
  2. A AR-15 is the fucking poster child of an assault rifle. Most people think the “AR” actually stands for “Assault Rifle” If you google “assault rifle” you will see more pictures of AR-15s and AK-47s than any other assault rifle. What makes it an “assault rifle” is the fact that it’s semi auto instead of fully auto. The fuck are you even talking about? You see, this is exactly what I’m talking about when I say you’re just trolling and don’t actually believe the bullshit that you’re typing.
  3. Incel was a 17 year old kid in illegal possession of a fucking assault rifle, which he brought for the specific purpose of hunting people. Which he did. End of story. Literally nothing else you have to add to the equation is relevant. Gaige Isn’t the one on trial for going on a shooting spree, your incel fuckboy is. Period.
  4. He wouldn’t have been taken alive. The cops on the scene would’ve gunned him down instead of waving him on.
  5. A victim reaching for his gun in self defense against an active shooter who just already shot someone else and is waving his gun around is not an incriminating act. Admitting such does not help the defense, being as the incel terrorist was in the act of an active mass shooting.
  6. Your whole argument is a lie. You’re lying when you say incel was defending himself and his community when he crossed state lines with a gun on a hunting mission, you’re lying when you infer that someone’s past criminal record somehow excuses a mass shooter killing them, your whole claim that this incel mass shooter is some kind of hero is a lie. Your whole argument is a lie.
  7. And incel Kyle won’t be missed when he’s getting ass raped and stabbed to death in prison. 🤷‍♂️
  8. Still can’t explain what something a shooting victim did in 2002 had anything to do with him being murdered by someone who wasn’t even born yet at that time. You two dipshits keep repeating this shit like a broken record of stupidity, no matter how many times it’s pointed out that it’s completely irrelevant to the shooting spree committed by this incel fuckboy.
  9. Dhabs is a fucking meth head and a mod on a graffiti website. Somebody should “release him of his burden” and claim it’s all good, he’s just a criminal.
  10. You’re trolling. You don’t really even believe the dogshit that’s coming out of your keypad, you’re just talking dumb shit for the sake of it. Hence why you’ve lost credibility.
  11. “Active shooter”is a leftist term now? It’s actually a police term, which you’d think YOU of all people would know, as much cop dick you be sucking.
  12. No, they were protesting and rioting. He was the one who came all the way there to kill people. He was an active shooter who was already shooting people. A 17 year old idiot with a gun who needed to be stopped. You really need to get this incel’s dick out your mouth, you’re losing any credibility on any issue you’ve ever had or will have again.
  13. Kyle was still an active shooter shooting people who should’ve had his brains splattered on the pavement to stop him. Any argument about “well so and so was charged with such and such 10 years ago” is completely irrelevant and moot. You’re doing the exact same shit Fox News does after a trigger happy cop kills somebody for no reason, so they dig up some old Facebook pic of the kid wearing a hoody and smoking a blunt then mention some old shoplifting charge talking bout “well it’s ok, because the victim was a thug”. Take the fucking dick out your ass and stop being such a fucking faggot.
  14. @Dirty_habiTkeep choking on this incel’s dick till you die. Shit’s hilarious. 😆
  15. Your incel terrorist hero is gonna be drowning in bubba’s cum every night for the rest of his life. 💯
  16. If defending yourself isn’t murder, then how is it self incriminating that somebody reached for their gun when your incel was pointing his AR at them? Looting and burning stores is not equivalent to threatening someone else’s life. So again, how is it “self defense” when your outatown incel used that as an excuse to go on a shooting spree? Only heart bleeding in these comments is your pussy lips bleeding for your faggot incel idol.
  17. Literally the only thing intelligible you can make out in that entire clip is your incel faggot idol running around shooting people. That’s it, I’m convinced you’re not even trolling at this point. You really are as stupid as what I thought you were pretending to be. 🤦
  18. Because the judge is obviously a trumptard cultist lust like yourself and this other dipshit. How does it feel to be a brainwash victim?
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