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Everything posted by DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER

  1. Who are you, anyways? What was your old name on here?
  2. Not really sure what you mean by “white knighting”, but you accusing others of making a fool of themselves is rich. 😆
  3. Yo he dead ass thought posting that was supposed to make you look bad? 😆 Props for the way you handled that, Mercer. 💯
  4. @onemanbandafter reading that whole rant about how thorough you are with it, I can’t get past the part about one or two wipes then hoping in the shower with shit all over your ass. This nigga grabbing the shower scrubby jawn and basically using it to wipe raw shit off his ass! please tell me you live alone and nobody else has to share that same shower with you. 😆
  5. At this point, people’s politics are basically indicative of their intelligence. Or lack there of.
  6. I legit yelled at her for this and she flipped it back around on me “why you telling random people on the internet my business”. Basically told me keep her out my mouth, in so many words. 😆
  7. Jesus fucking Christ, I always took Casek for an intelligent dude. It’s amazing how many people I used to take for level headed, somewhat intelligent people ended up getting turned out and played by such blatant bullshit over these past few years. Brain cells scrubbed clean. 🤦
  8. I don’t know man, she was next to me the other night and I asked her if that’s where her people’s are from and she said nah. Pretty sure whenever I typed that I asked her where they’re from and that’s what she said. She’s a airhead sometimes. I just called her out on it and now she says they are from Guangdong. 🤷‍♂️
  9. Moogle, you’re just as Midwestern clueless as ever. “Graff on girls” was a thing long before 12oz even exited, and I still see youngbucks from wherever doing that shit till this day. It’s just common sense that graff groupies are gonna want and let graff dudes write/paint their shit on them. And even midwestern toys are gonna find Midwestern graff hoes to paint whatever the fuck on their bored Midwestern asses. That’s not a 12oz thing, and never even really ever was. You still rocking that Flock of Seagulls hairdo? 😆
  10. I had that Millennian Falcon too. That fucker must be worth a grip these days.
  11. There needs to be a SMFH or at least a facepalm in the “likes”. I can’t like, LOL, props, or nothing to a statement like that. 🤦
  12. Damn, I had almost all them shits when I was a little shit. I only had one Tie fighter, but I had all them characters, I even had that Darth Vader case for all the figures. Mom’s trashed all that shit. I was the ill Star Wars nerd when I was like 4 years old. Then I grew up. 😆
  13. LOLWUT? Did this really happen? Is that why Casek ain’t around? 😆
  14. Yo my man, I do owe you an apology for taking you out of context the other night though. Truthfully,, I wasn’t even reading your whole comments. I was just drunk and being a asshole oner. My bad, fam.
  15. OP’s question was valid, it just flew over your head. Most writers are dumb fucks.
  16. Missing the mark by a mile on all accounts, my guy.
  17. Is that what you said when you came home early from work to find Vaj passed out in your bed looking like a bukkake girl?
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