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Everything posted by DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER

  1. No I can’t. I’m in San Antonio Tx. Dude asked if I’ve found any real cheesesteaks down here, and I answered the question. There are multiple spots that claim to be legit “cheesesteaks”, but they’re not. Jersey Mike’s a few years ago was closer to the mark. Jersey Mike’s has since gone garbage too. Fuck you want? I was asked a question and answered it. 🤷‍♂️
  2. True, but it might’ve been one of them instead, huh? 🤔
  3. Yall ever have those dreams where you’re in a fight but your arms are mad sluggish and you can’t throw a punch for shit? Of course you have, everyone does. Matter of fact, I always end up overpowering whatever’s holding me back and end up beating the life out of my opponent, despite the sluggishness. I’ve even beaten people’s brains in and killed them while overpowering this sluggishness. Crushed skulls and brains splattered all over me and all that. Anyways, I have a similar re-accruing dream that I’m wondering if you other graff niggas ever experienced. This one comes fairly often, and I had a long ass one last night that I been thinking about all day. I was home in Philly, with a bag full of paint, and out bombing with a grip of old homies. Some of whom are gone, but they were alive in my dream. Anyways, I have a bag full of Rusto, but no matter what can I pull out, I can’t write for shit. It either soaks into the wall like dollar paint, the cap don’t work, or it’s spitting all over me. And my tags are coming out like shit. It’s just like those dreams where you can’t fight because your arms are sluggish, but I can’t write. Anyways, that was my dream scenario last night. I’ve had similar dreams for years. Just wondering if it’s any of you other vandals in here ever had this re-occurring dream. 😆
  4. You got a source to back this up? Not doubting you, just saying that a link to a credible source would do better than a screengrab from FB.
  5. Holy shit, is that Theo? Where’s he at? He still pop in here or nah? 😆
  6. That’s pretty much what it is. Tranny karens trying to bully normal people.
  7. My technique makes more logical sense than yours. I use mad paper because I don’t want any remnants of shit on any part of my body. And because I eat normal food so I don’t shit like a rabbit,.
  8. Nah, but my shit do get a lil raw sometimes. 😆 I’m just mad OCD about my ass being clean. I’m starting to think you must be a vegan or some shit, squeezing out little rabbit pellets with that “one or two wipes” talk. 😆
  9. Nah, never that. I use so much paper I gotta flush halfway through so I don’t clog the shit. That front to back or vise versa shit don’t even make sense. Seems like it’d put a weird strain on your wrist.
  10. Wait, so somebody loaded it with live rounds instead of blanks? Isn’t that how Bruce Lee’s son got killed? How does that even happen, much less twice?
  11. Also, I don’t get this front to back or back to front shit. I’m more of a left to right, kind of guy. Then towards the end, swirl it around to get all angles. 😆
  12. I actually do both if it’s really messy. Wipe till the paper’s clean sitting down, then a couple more standing up. Sometimes you gotta get it from all angles just to be sure.
  13. These trannnies are out of hand. Chapelle went out of his way, basically walking on egg shells to not cross a line while making his point, and they’re still gonna act like he did just because they don’t like his point and don’t wanna admit that he’s right. So it’s “you’re transphobic!” just because they don’t wanna acknowledge his point. It’s basically IRL trolling at this point. They’re gaslighting. It actually pisses me off because all they’re doing at this point is proving Rush Limbaugh and all the other right wing shitheads right. All that ringing the alarm about “the gays wanna take over and shove their gay agenda down everyone’s throats” was just xenophobic bullshit, but now here’s the alphabet soup squad actually proving them right all along. 🤦
  14. You’s a dirty ass! One or two wipes??? The fuck??? Are you dead ass??? There’s probably shit stains on all your drawls. 🤣
  15. Your homie’s a fucking weirdo. You should definitely let him know that this is the exact reason you can’t fuck with him nomore . Maybe let his kid know that he’s wiping his ass the correct way and that his pops is a fucking weirdo, so try not to let pops watch you wipe your ass anymore. Which, by the way, is weird as fuck in and of itself. Poor kid. 🤦
  16. That’s exactly the kind of entertainment I was in need of! Thanks yo! 😆
  17. WTF is that? Is that fucking creamed corn and mashed potatoes on whatever the fuck that shit is? 🤦‍♂️
  18. Nah, the tea ceremony was in south Philly. And her peeps are not from Guangdong. I would have never said otherwise, so you def got me fucked up with someone else.
  19. Oh, and we ended up here because she was pregnant and I was about to get roofed on multiple graff convictions and probation violations. Not really “roofed”, but I was gonna not be there for her pregnancy and the birth and all that, and her fam would definitely look at me in a whole other light if I wasn’t around (they still have no clue I even write), so we had to bounce to somewhere else to start over and all that. Plus I had family here that she’d met and liked, so it was a obvious choice. Ironically, those family were all poisoned by said disinformation campaign and I no longer speak to them or want them anywhere near my kids. So it’s just us and our kids and friends down here now. Fuck-it.
  20. Believe me when I tell you it’s becoming harder and harder to exist in TX. When we moved here, in 06, there wasn’t this huge political divide. You could actually just chop it up and laugh about your differences. The internet was already a thing, but it’s when the smartphones hit and everybody had FB, YouTube etc in their pockets to distract them all day while at work that the disinformationists and propagandists took over and really started hammering everyone and their grandmother over the head with divide and conquer propaganda. That’s when all these dipshits who never paid attention to a goddamn thing going on in politics and the world got bamboozled into thinking they were “woke”, when they’re really just sheep being suckered by fake news and propaganda. And these sheep exist on both sides of the political spectrum. Itreminds me of the phenomenon back in the 90’s of old people getting duped by supermarket tabloids, only this time it’s people of all ages. Me, I’ve never been asleep. I been paying attention since I’m like 5 years old. So ain’t no fake news propagandists gonna pull no wool over shit with me.
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