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Everything posted by DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER

  1. Says the dipshit I recently saw asking who I was in another thread as if you don’t remember me shitting on you years ago.
  2. ^Spoken like a real life Dunning Kruger meme.
  3. Bush knocked down the towers, trump is knocking down democracy, and somehow democrats get the blame for both.
  4. So you’re an anarchist who partakes in the capitalist society in which we live? Let me guess, because you have no choice in that matter, right? But choosing between which party’s rule you and your kids have to exist under is somehow different than choosing to go to work and pay the rent/mortgage, huh? But tell me again how you’re an anarchist who doesn’t live in a tent in the woods, foraging and hunting for your food.
  5. So now you’re trying to twist your narrative to “Mercedamus fled Covid” after this whole time sticking up for the “dumb af” crowd who all think a covid is either a hoax or some Illuminati plot to put tracking devices in your arm? Which is it? There comes a time when you grow the fuck up and realize “defying the man” is no excuse for blatant stupidity.
  6. @Mercer I’ve always fucked wit you, and vice versa, so don’t get shit twisted. but I’ve lost actual real life best friends over this shit, so it ain’t no sweat off my back if you ban me or whatever. I’m always gonna keep it 💯 and it just is what it is. ✌️
  7. Not really, but what I do see is you bending over backwards trying to not admit that you’re a full blown trumptard. You’re literally displaying all the tell tale signs I’ve witnessed in the past by other people (and especially writers) trying to defend their goose stepping urges with “but I’m just anti establishment”. 🤦‍♂️
  8. You literally just posted a link to Faucci revisiting the lab leak theory, when that was the original hypothesis to begin with.
  9. No, it was you fish market kooks who were kicking that conspiracy theory, before switching it up to all that Bill Gates alien lizard bullshit.
  10. Because that would be journalistic malpractice to state as fact something that has not yet been proven. CNN are not “the left’s Fox News”, they’re a legitimate news source who employs actual journalists, not “entertainers” as Fox likes to hide behind. So while they reported about the doctor from the Wuhan lab and him being disappeared by the Chinese government from day one, they can only report the facts as they knew them.
  11. Yes, exactly. The early 90’s was bugging and that was the BIPARTISAN agreement they came up with for dealing with the trend of gangbanging and other forms of violence that was spreading across the country like wildfire. How old were you in 1994? They were Blooding and Cripping in the corn fields of Oklahoma, leave alone the big cities. the Iraq war was started under the Bush Jr administration, with a Republican Congress. But yes, that is one of the last times Republicans and Democrats were united in Congress, and I for one was cursing at my television the whole time. Because if you remember a goddamn thing about me, you’ll remember me screaming that it was all lies back then. But I was one of the few who weren’t duped. EVERYBODY was goose stepping to whatever bullshit the Bush administration was putting out at the time. you just lost me at Obama dropping bombs on families, the precursor to drone strikes (which was actually started by Bush Jr) was carpet bombing and cruse missiles. Say WTF you want about civilians getting killed, especially when the “terrorist” enemy are in fact all civilians, but do you for one second think it would be wiser to go after a handful of people by carpet bombing entire towns? Again, not sticking up for the war that Republicans lied us into, but what do you think the civilian death role would be if we were still sending in B-52s instead of drones?
  12. LMFAO @ you pretending it was a conspiracy theory that Covid leaked out of the lab in Wuhan, when it was reported from DAY ONE that it was a doctor at that lab who rang the bell about it. It was the conspiracy dickheads who were talking about people eating bat heads from some dirty ass market, before switching it up to Covid ain’t shit and that it’s just the Bilderbergs trying to take your freedumb away by making you wear a mask. Then switching it up to Bill Gates is trying to implant magnetic tracking devices in your arms, so that they can somehow track your movements even better than the phones in your pockets. Being anticonformist and anti-big brother is one thing, but it’s no excuse for knee jerk being anti-science and anti-common sense. And it especially makes zero sense if you’re aligning your “anti-government” philosophy with that of a sitting US president, leave alone the fact that he’s a proven life long con artist. 🤦‍♂️
  13. LMAO! Sounds not too far off from here in the 90’s when assault rifles were banned. I shit you not, the propaganda over here is that all guns are banned in Australia.
  14. Also, this is 2021. They banned people “ending up in the military” in the 1970’s. I have friends in the military, and every single one of them voluntarily signed up for that shit. Nobody ends up in the military unless they volunteered for that shit.
  15. No, we as Americans have murdered all those people. Because no matter who is in charge, we as Americans allowed it to happen. But it’s damn near always the right who start these wars, and we have no actual left in American politics, so it’s always the centrist Democrats who get stuck trying to clean up the mess that the right wing of this country created. Whether it’s the wars or the economy, it’s always Democrats cleaning up the Republicans mess, that the Republican propagandists turn around and blame on Democrats. While simultaneously taking the credit for Democrats economy that is left for them while they do their best to tank it again, while starting more wars, so that they can turn around and point the finger of both at the next Democrat administration that comes in to clean up the mess. And it’s a endless cycle of you fucking sheep falling for the wool being pulled over your eyes.
  16. They told me and my parents that I fit this discrimination since fucking middle school. And somehow I maintain the critical thought process to spot bullshit when I see it, and not get led down rabbit holes of propaganda. 🤷‍♂️
  17. Nothing at all to do with opinions. Nothing to do with commie shit. Anybody who’s dumb enough to wonder down the rabbit hole of right wing disinformation propaganda is in fact an idiot. There’s idiots on the far left too, but you only see them at protests or ranting online. Not in actual positions of government.
  18. Somebody’s going to jail for this. Probably not Baldwin, but probably a few people. (This is from a NPR story, but for some reason 12oz won’t let me paste the link).
  19. I’m starting to think you live in poverty and that’s why you seem to be obsessed with it. You’re projecting. 😆
  20. None of which has anything to do with you idiots thinking everything’s some Hillary Clinton/alien lizard Illuminati conspiracy.
  21. Reading your comment before clicking and reading the article I’m picturing some half retarded American mumble rappers waving their guns around at their homie filming with the IPhone and I’m like “yeah, that makes sense”. This sounds more like it was a movie set kind of setup. I thought guns were banned in Australia? What was the outcome of this, heads went to prison for even bringing a real gun onset, I’d imagine?
  22. You’re having a flashback to that time your former potential mom sat on the toilet and let you drip out before hopping in the shower. 😆
  23. Fuck is you even talking about? Jersey Mike’s is more expensive than real cheesesteaks. “Poverty”? If you’re so balling that this is humorous to you, then you wouldn’t even be eating cheesesteaks.
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