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Everything posted by DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER

  1. My forklift certification expired years and years ago. That warehouse shit don’t pay enough, I get real money now. And that gay shit definitely runs in your family. 😆
  2. What fucking drugs are you on? Inquiring minds need to know to never fuck with that shit.
  3. The fuck, now YOU wanna rape me too? What’s that gay shit run in your family? 😆
  4. LMAO! You liked my comment then took it back. You got any new holes to repair in your walls? 🤣
  5. I'm actually not. I just had no idea your "mom" was really your dad when he/she tricked me into letting it sucking my dick. These doctors are getting really good at this shit. There should be some kind of rape law against this trickery. Anyways, that's why your "parent" came home with two black eyes, a wired jaw, and my throwie on it's ass that one time.
  6. Is that what you do? I can assure you that you’re incapable of making me mad . 😆
  7. He deadass fake cried and you believe him? Hah! Then again, you also got suckered by trump and Qanon. You’re gullible as fuck. 😆
  8. What are you even doing here? You know you don’t in any way shape or form fit in or belong here, right? Do you have nowhere else to spend your time because nobody else can stand your crackhead ass either? Your life must be miserable as fuck. 😆
  9. AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Did this Fox News parroting Qtard deadass just accuse me of watching fake news? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  10. Completely irrelevant. Why would he be doing that if the 17 year old incel wasn’t there waving his gun around in the first place?
  11. Nope. You’re wrong. It being a semi automatic modeled after military rifle is what makes it an assault rifle. Keep trolling.
  12. Yep, I even do “graff on girls”. Check your mom’s ass.
  13. I absolutely 100% write on walls, which is absolutely nothing even close to related to, or anywhere in the vicinity comparison with strapping myself with a AR and going on a mass shooting spree. These are two completely unrelated things that only a mental midget would be mentally deficient enough to find any comparison. But please don’t let this stop you from elaborating whatever it is you think your point is.
  14. Casek I’m either gonna shut you down right now, or you’re just gonna further prove that you’re either trolling or you’ve smoked your brains to shit. if a 17!year old leftist had illegally crossed state lines with a AR, ran up on the Capital rioters on January 6th and smoked some of them MAGAtard rioters before being waved off to go on his merry way by Capital Police, then later taken alive into custody to stand trial for his actions, would you have any of this same energy? I already know the answer, but please go ahead and lie your ass off. Please dig yourself even deeper.
  15. Completely irrelevant. Just like all of the rest of your argument.
  16. And the evidence shows that he literally crossed state lines with an ASSAULT RIFLE for the sole purpose of killing protesters. Stop trying your hardest to prove yourself an idiot. It’s the farthest thing from a good look.
  17. A AR-15 is the fucking poster child of an assault rifle. Most people think the “AR” actually stands for “Assault Rifle” If you google “assault rifle” you will see more pictures of AR-15s and AK-47s than any other assault rifle. What makes it an “assault rifle” is the fact that it’s semi auto instead of fully auto. The fuck are you even talking about? You see, this is exactly what I’m talking about when I say you’re just trolling and don’t actually believe the bullshit that you’re typing.
  18. Incel was a 17 year old kid in illegal possession of a fucking assault rifle, which he brought for the specific purpose of hunting people. Which he did. End of story. Literally nothing else you have to add to the equation is relevant. Gaige Isn’t the one on trial for going on a shooting spree, your incel fuckboy is. Period.
  19. He wouldn’t have been taken alive. The cops on the scene would’ve gunned him down instead of waving him on.
  20. A victim reaching for his gun in self defense against an active shooter who just already shot someone else and is waving his gun around is not an incriminating act. Admitting such does not help the defense, being as the incel terrorist was in the act of an active mass shooting.
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