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Everything posted by asdf_va!

  1. I've seen another RED piece that looked like someone else's style, but at the same time isn't a bite. Like it's tweaked to take on it's own totally different style. Hard to explain in words. I don't know if RED even took from anyone else's styles, it's just that I can see other shit, but it's taken to a RED level, instead of RED style being forced into someone else's style. I need pizza.
  2. ^^Don't get it twisted... It's really well done! Looks good as shit, and it's not totally generic. I just like the Red better.
  3. ^^Bump that RED for taking another style and making it yours, instead of the other way around. Nice work. /nosarcasm
  4. First page of this thread has a great recipe for what you are asking. Read it carefully, as it is VERY specific. For a tutorial on making exactly what you want, you can search this thread, using the Advanced search option, and only search MY (asdf_va!) posts. Just search "paint recipe" or maybe "my paint recipe." I can't remember the best way to find it. But if you look hard enough, I show you what I use. Cheap and REALLY good recipe. Good luck.
  5. ^^What a boring tired argument. You might have anger management issues, and or social problems. Believe it or not, these are not pre- requisites for being a writer. You type like a huge toy/tool trying to argue ANYTHING on GRAFFITIZ forum on the internerd. The majority of cats on THIS thread come on here to talk about making shit. Whatever "rules" you apply to your everyday life, do NOT apply here. So if you want to bash people for doing something constructive, that you don't do, with their time... You can go FUCK yourself. But this is just one option. The other would be to seek psychiatric help. They can get you off the internet and seated in a more suitable social environment that can cater to your specific, socially inept, needs. Like group therapy or something to that affect. Good luck. Go fuck yourself.
  6. Good words. I can roll with the shit talk, cause that's when all the older heads start pulling out the shoe boxes and flick books. Last few pages were a great blast from the past. .COM Chisme Elk Evol Felon So many others...
  7. True life. Not enough active participants, including myself. And a 2 week time limit. That's what killed me. I'm just going to take my time with my idea and post it in the marker thread when I finish it. Back to life... back to reality.
  8. Do you know that for a fact? Or did you read about it on here? Or even better, did your boy hear about it from his boy, that one of their friends writes with that guy that was huge in the 90's and totally got that rooftop that one time before you started writing, and HE totally boiled his ink? Just curious. Boil water. That's it. You don't even boil soup. You bring water to a boil and then turn it down and add your shit. For your own safety, do not boil ink. And if you do, YOU DIDN'T get the idea from us, or this site.
  9. If you are making a paint mix, just rack oil based wood stain from the hard ware store. They will have what you need. They might even have leather dye too.
  10. ^^TRUE WORDS... If your question consists of: You really shouldn't be asking. You should be testing it. The ability to try this shit out and test it is an amazing freedom that you should forget.
  11. Just search "pen ink" in this thread. You will find it. It's important to learn how to find these things your self. Easy answers will not be given out. Sorry man. Stick with it, and use the search. You WILL find it.
  12. I just typed a long history on the miniwide. My cat stepped on the keyboard and sent me back a page. I hit forward... and it was all gone. I'm so bummed right now. I will rewrite it with flicks later. Don't know the miniwide. It's an incredible piece of history, and the marker was NOT made for graffiti. That's why it was so special. It was perfect from the start. Also lost, was an explanation on making the Diego127 marker above. Just use the advanced search option and search JUNOBO's posts in this thread. He wrote a great tutorial, with flicks, on how to make that marker in about 7minutes with everyday home items. See you soon...
  13. I did, and it was unnecessary. Moving on... Expect some tutorials on making my custom ink/paint. I will be... immobilized, for quite some so time with nothing to do. I also plan on getting my late entry in on the marker contest as well. But all in due time.
  14. ^^You're joking right. Did you stop to think that maybe you just melted the plastic to the wax crayon with the flame...???
  15. Actually... thinner is a solvent. It dries paint WAY faster than by itself. So unless you meant, that the time that thinned out paint takes to dry is equal to "awhile", but is still faster than paint alone... you are correct. But you think that just because the mix has DOT3 in it, that it will take forever to dry... you are wrong. That statement would be true for ink, but NOT for paint. The nature of the DOT is that is not Petroleum. It's a synthetic oil. It actually separates quite easily from paint, with the help of the solvent(thinner), and mearly leaves a haze, or ghost, around the paint. For ink... it would stick around a lot longer, and mingle with the chemicals in the ink... ie... A way longer drying time. Don't preach until you have followed. I say don't preach at all. But when you are wrong, you are wrong.
  16. ^^Thank you. I've lost a lot of flicks... no. I've lost a lot of photos throughout the years that I think about, from time to time, and you just posted more than a few of my lost favorites. I got a few that survived the test of time and will see that they get scanned. Thanks.
  17. There are KEY people that represent the good recipes and ideas on this thread. I would easily call you out as one of those people. When I said "most of the recent..." I mean the last 2-3 pages. Like the mixing of ink, paint, alcohol, rit dye, dot 3, blah blah blah mixes. Those are the insane, I would never do mixes. But those dudes will learn from trying. So it's all good. I personally would NEVER put DOT3 in a INK mix. DOT DOES NOT STAIN OR EAT INTO ANYTHING. Can't stress that enough. It's SOLE purpose is for leaving a ghost around the tag. Only put DOT3 in PAINT mix. The PEN INK recipe... PURE GENIUS!
  18. Re: Great Pictures~ It's a shame when the "free minded, and free bodied" individual get everything taken from them for nothing. 3 strikes my ass. Fuck that shit.
  19. Just hit your local junk yard and replace the entire plastic piece. You should be golden after that. The will never know. Just remove it, and take it to the junk yard with the make and model. Everyone totals a car that you drive at some point. You might find it.
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