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Everything posted by asdf_va!

  1. ^^who did you buy stuff from?
  2. The mix is "water based" but that only means that the chemicals are "water soluble" and THAT doesn't mean the chemicals are not toxic. They could be toxic already, or become toxic by reacting with enough heat. Just check the MSDSa's if you can. Good luck.
  3. I don't know man... You might look suspect walking around with a microphone, but lip gloss... that's some everyday, everybody's got it, type shit. Might be a close call... Your's is truly cooler looking, and more awesome of a design for sure though! I don't want to say what I am doing yet, but it's more along your lines... but more practical and more likely to be in your hands at any time of the day or night. I take it back... You could be rolling with cables and other real mic's in bag... Damn... Now I am leaning towards yours... I think you will like mine.
  4. I thought you were joking... But sometimes you can never tell in here. The pen ink mixes great with a little rubbing alcohol. That should be all you need for it. Good luck! Post your results.
  5. I have no idea. I say we leave it open until rouge gets back. My late entry should prove to be well worth the wait. Hehe.
  6. ^^um... try a cutting tools of some sort. Are you serious?
  7. I know that Scrap Yard was carrying them for a while. If you live in NYC or got connections... Check there.
  8. asdf_va!


    You got played son! Ah well... It's funny and no one put you on blast for coming out. That's pretty cool. Happy not gay anymore day!
  9. I hear you guys circle pit in the opposite direction... That's so weird. This thread need more... That's better.
  10. Not bad... but this specific friendly contest was to make the best concealed marker. Making one that works well, and looks nothing like a marker on the outside.
  11. Only if this is your only option... then yeah. They still wont be to par, but it will get you by for the staining. I say stick with the ink pen idea. Split them open, lengthwise, and scrape the ink into some alcohol. Or... just bite the bullet and get some oil-based paint to make something that will work. Don't ever boil any mixes you make. It's not worth the potential danger. You got toxic fumes, that only a professional grade "respirator" can filter, and the danger of combustion, depending on what is in your mix. That's not even mentioning the mess that it makes. Be safe.
  12. ^^You just made my week. Easily made my week. If the props button was still around... Yeah. Thank you. /nosarcasm
  13. I think we should extend the time. Either way, I am still working on mine, more of looking for two things to make it work right. It will get posted and used!
  14. EVERYONE ON THIS PAGE THAT ASKED A QUESTION... All those answers are on the first 3 pages of this thread. Seriously. It's not easy, but you have to follow the recipes if you don't know what you are doing. You can't just start mixing every thing that looks like a dark liquid, throw in some dot3(not for ink btw), shake it up and expect good results. You gotta check those first 3 pages... again. Please. If you want easy answers to all your questions, then you don't deserve the answers. Try the stuff out on the first page. I suggest making a "paint" mix first before even touching the idea of making "ink." Good luck.
  15. You can fix both of those problems. The nib is huge and soft... Not that good for many surfaces. Just take some t-shirt fabric and and wrap around the hole top part. The lid and nib. Tape it down. To get a cap that works, you can create an expanded ridge around the top of the body and then find a smaller hairspray cap, or other consumer product cap from the store that is deep enough to to cover the nib. It will wit snug onto your ridge that you wrapped around the body. Put it an bag and you're set. It's easier to go buy something that works. But if you cannot... This a way that would work. EFrances: No big deal. I go off the deep end a lot on here sometimes. Stay up.
  16. ^^Yep. As for that ZGOT hand... Let see the twins again!
  17. ^^You can see me?? FUCK. Somebody lied to me about this internet shit! EDIT: Those aren't real Mini-wides a few pages back. Also... Nobody is on my jock. That's for sure.
  18. Hahaha... You're right. Fuck that guy for selling a collectible item that has been out of production for over a decade and is a rarity in it original form, including the sticker on the body and the extra nib. Shame him for being someone that knows what they are talking about pricing them correctly. WHAT A JERK!
  19. Kill your dad. Instant street-cred! If not... I mean, you might actually be down with your pops, just fight him. Prove to him that you are man. If you beat him you can poise for the kill right above his weakened body... shed a single tear and tell him you love him very much! Collapse on the floor next to him and embrace your father with your new found love... He will appreciate you more, and trust you with the graffitiz now that you have proven you are a man, by beating him, and proving you are a good son, by sparing his life. Good luck! /notlegallyresponsibleforthisoner
  20. I don't think so. He found some awesome medium that is similar size, but somewhat squeezable. Good stuff though.
  21. ^^haha!! I thought is was a joke too. But I think he just didn't read the post, or didn't know the acronym OTR. Still funny!
  22. ^^The NYCmop is a squeezable roll on deodorant body. It was the classic container BITD. Like I said, don't be fooled by the cheesy website. Dude doesn't make websites. He's just a NY writer who decided to make the perfect marker in mass quantities.
  23. People... These questions about over the counter markers are boring. Don't by the european toy shit. Got to first 3 pages of this thread and you will find some really great, and fairly easy, designs for making your own marker/mop. That fucking MTN/OTR/TOY markers are copies of homemade, and modified consumer products. They took our ideas from the past and reproduce them for a huge mark up. Make it yourself, and you will have a better feeling. This whole thing isn't a fashion show. Get dirty and make your shit work for you. Don't pay some business man that makes a "super fresh" marker, that you can get at the grocery store, and then he puts water based paint in it for you. He doesn't deserve your money, and if he DOES deserve your dollar... Then that's on you. There are plenty of Local AMERICAN cats that work really hard to hand pick/make great markers and mops for you. Buy those if you are lazy or prefer not to make your own. Check around on the thread... You will find lots of options. I suggest... http://WWW.NYCMOP.COM It's the best marker that you will ever possess. Good luck. EDIT: Like I said before, this isn't a fashion show. If you go to nycmop.com and notice that the website looks like a scam or just not that good of site, I assure you that the man is making a quality product. A classic quality product.
  24. ^^There was a similar mix on here a while back and it came out super dope! Post them flicks!
  25. The Liquid Acrylic isn't going to dry, or even mix correctly, at all with DOT3 or the Archival ink. It's just not going to. What's the BASE on the Black Archival Ink? Is it water, or alcohol, base? RIT... Should only be added to water based mixes. So if the archival ink is alcohol based, don't add the Rit. Good effort, but read around the thread, search for words like "Recipe", "Mixes", "alcohol based" and things of that sort. There are a lot of specifics when it comes to actual ink, and you have thrown acrylic paint into your ink mix. Not good. I say, start with a simple oil based paint mix. There is perfect one on the first page of this thread. Good luck.
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