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Everything posted by asdf_va!

  1. Rogue... good to have you back. Watch yourself man. You need to have a separate workshop for your illegal shit. It's the only way super heroes/villains can even get by. You know they ain't fighting crime, or planning crime, from their garage at home! Maybe in the basement... but still. Oink is excluded from that statement while I work on finding out weather or not he is a super hero, villain or other. Got it. Big O is a vigilante... and if you are a vigilante then it's cool to work out of the garage/basement. I need coffee... Free Rouge!
  2. ^^DAMN. That sucks. By the pepper, or his parents?
  3. If it works... It works. I think it's fucking awesome that you did it anyway. Got it done, and you like it. I would not have done it that way, but then again... You could be stumbling onto something that will actually prove positive. Like the time some wanted to mix garvey and KRink... Everyone, including myself, said it will most likely not work... But then it turned out being super dope! Just shows to go ya!
  4. Not sure on that one. Anyone ACTUALLY know the difference? Not speculation.
  5. Still hard to find all the parts. I thought the idea would be MAD easy, but finding the single device that works as the disguise has proven to be more difficult than I had originally imagined. Rest assured, I have every intention on building this ultimate marker for show and for use. It will take time though. Time to find the last object needed, and time to configure it correctly that it can be used AND still functions as the original device. That's the kicker. It will both be a marker, and what it was intended to be in the first place. It will be posted.
  6. ^^You say everyone is riding BF's dick... but you seem to have her every move on lock. You pre-judge people like a angry kid on the internet. I was under the impression that you were not. MOST of the people in this thread have discussions with BF that go into the realm of friendship, outside of these threads, and rightly so. I know things about her that she could have never made up for attention, and I respect the fact that she just wants to be a normal person and not a total fuck up that some are doomed to be. I've noticed your posts before, and you seemed to come across as a man, but now you just seem like some nerdy kid on the internet with something to prove. Maybe I was wrong about you and you are that kid. If so, that sucks. Anyone who talks "straight talk" wouldn't care what anyone says on the internerd. Your bullshit in this thread is boring and tired. It's like you are begging for attention yourself, or you are jealous (I don't know why anyone would be) that you are are not getting the attention. I don't know and don't care. You have your attention now, but it's only because people are defending someone the appreciate hearing from. There have been several threads about people going to jail on here, throughout the years, by several people and no one gets ragged. Oh yeah... Rambo is a band. I don't think any militaristic statement was being made. For the record... I ain't a "dick rider." Talk all the shit you want on people I don't know, and I won't take a second look. I might even join in, because it's the internerd. It's fun. It's not serious. But you seem to want to get your point across. Who fucking cares?? YOU seem to be the only one, before this post, that actually does. EDIT: This is CH.0. Zero graff content.
  7. That wall is vicious! Respect, as always, to DC.
  8. Because not all writers are artists... and a lot of artists are to pussy to be writers. Sometimes cats that "get up" aren't so savvy on the legal walls. But still have massive representation on the streets. I ain't saying that's what going on above. ^^That looks like a fun day to me, regardless of how it turned out. Bump the Dirty Thirty. /And don't even think about posting some dick riding shit. Because I'm not.
  9. eRacked flicks... Should all be stuff that hasn't been posted yet. All shamelessly jacked from the internerd. It's where things REALLY matter!
  10. Right now it's a conversation piece on the table. "You know they don't sell this stuff anymore I heard" "...Yeah. I know. I got connections." Good to have you back, although you might have been better off in Greece. North America has been going to shit and Juliani is in the lead right now. Whaaa??
  11. THE BEAST HAS RETURNED!! About damn time. Vacationing all willy-nilly and shit!
  12. Good for you lady! Get that shit behind you and get yours. I'm stoked for you! Are you turning yourself in during the weekend, or first of the week?
  13. ^^nice interview! Hahaha...awesome!
  14. Can't wait to see how this turns out.
  15. Damn... Don't sound to good. The man might have gotten a little over zealous and sold more than what he had, and could possibly be at home right now mixing shit and finding mops. Hope all is well and that he isn't fucking you guys over. But then again... It's the internet, so this types of shit it happens everyday.
  16. Both are classic freight dudes... and have their separate area's of origin... but I totally agree. The man didn't say bite or anything. It does look influenced and it looks good!
  17. Damn! Reminds me of the 90's in the US... The hight of the original freight movement over here. Keep it steel Dundies!
  18. In the Philly... But still the man...
  19. you should put a piece of metal up there instead. The tree has natural extracts that protect it from the sun. This could be protecting your tag as well. Just sayin'.
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