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francis buxton

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Everything posted by francis buxton

  1. :spent2: :confused2: :spent2: :confused2: :spent2: :confused2: :spent2:
  2. "Shut the Revolving Door" Thats a pretty vague request, unless I've been missing something. Revolving door politics maybe? They hate revolving doors? How do they feel about automatic sliding doors?
  3. Hella old reply in internet time, but ditto. We must be in the same city. Cool Starry Bra!
  4. Re: If black people were mexicans... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  5. Re: Favorite Flickr Flicks A saber is normally called a sugar glider, Duh.
  6. Must spread rep before giving it to croc tears. teh lolz, teh lolz.
  7. Yeah, I knew as soon as I posted that I'd get the ol' "Post teh N00dZ!" reply. I'm too old/care too much for her, to do anything that stupid. :huh:
  8. So slooooooooooooooooooooooooooow. Took an interesting subject and fucked up big time. So boring. So, this is more like a DON'T watch instant, don't watch at all really. No link cause I'm posting from work, but you don't want a link anyway. So, does that mean I'm gonna get a neg from NOES?
  9. THIS. On the other hand, my girl looks better than most of the chicks in this thread, so, I probably won't. Ahhh, the age old dilemma: guaranteed pussy vs. new pussy
  10. The last thing I ate was a stolen one serving box of cheerios from my place of employment. Cliff bars got the Dee Double O Dee Double O style! Seriously, they're great. So many good flavors. The cliff Mojo PB&J bars are pretty awesome too.
  11. Re: Eizabeth Taylor 1932-2011 I remember seeing Cleopatra as a kid (it was already real old at that point), and thinking, "Who ever that is, she is so hot." Then finding out she was the weird lady from the perfume comercials. Don't get me wrong, she was beautifull, and classy as fuck, it just threw a young Francis Buxton for a loop. Mega Big Picture Also, The title should read: ELizabeth Taylor
  12. This thread has more lols than the nonsense jawn. Trip adivisor is alright, I'm steady checkin' Lonely planet. Alot of places I frequent apparently have horrible yelp reviews. I feel good about that.
  13. ^^^^Classic.^^^^^^^^^ Or did I mean classy?
  14. Sooooooooooooooo, When is pornbooth going to make his epic teacher cuckleding (<-sp?) sex story thread?
  15. Tinted Sheen, the charlie sheen web blocker. "Free Art and Technology Lab has released a special software module against the dominance of news about Charlie Sheen. Plug-in called “Tinted Sheen” is an extension for the Firefox and Chrome browsers that helps to block an article about Charlie Sheen, as well as his photographs, which appear regularly in various internet resources. Downloading it, you will see that the plug-in “paints” the name of the actor and his photo on the English-language Web sites, who publishes news about Charlie Sheen. “Sorry Charlie, but it is time to leave the Internet and go back to your porn family,” reads the website for the plug-in. “Let this be the hangover cure for the #winning buzz from which everyone is still recovering.” Sheen’s high-profile flameout over the past couple of week has been hard to avoid. He’s popped up on interview shows, podcasts, TMZ and, seemingly, any other venue that would have him. He even took to Twitter, where he almost instantly rocketed to the micro-blogging site’s elite — breaking the record for thefastest rise to 1 million followers and turning #winning into a constantly trending topic. “Everything is so much better with this app,” one user wrote on the extension’s website. “Is there a TV version of this coming out?” wrote another. Sheen isn’t the first overexposed celebrity to get the blackout treatment. The extension comes from the same folks at F.A.T. (Free Art & Technology) who brought us a Justin Bieber blocker." Download TINTED SHEEN
  16. Re: Koitsu~Wierd 8bit lookin' internet game for those bored at work looking to kill 5 minu Yeah, its not thread worthy, but these days the only good threads are being made by KIR, so it kinda gets a pass. Koitsu means “This guy!” or “Can you believe this guy?” "koitsu~(そいつ 'this fellow/dude/guy'. It is usually used between/among friends by males. If you say it to a stranger, it's TOO RUDE. If you are said by a stranger, you have the 'right' to get angry with SOITSU’(そいつ)(the guy). aitsu(あいつ)=that fellow" I'm at work and can't do screen caps, but its a bullshit mouse clicking game, just follow the link if youre that curious what it looks like. Come on, its seizure inducing and totally random, isn't that what americans like about japanese stuff? Poke the girl in the forehead already! I just played again and got turned into a spastic electric devil charecter. :) :) :)
  17. Koitsu~Wierd 8bit lookin' internet game for those bored at work looking to kill 5 minutes. Heres the game Poke the girl in the head, get power ups, win points? I don't know. Old news? Thread worthy? I don't know, probably not, but fuck you guys, I'm bored at work and this site made it past my corporate jobs porn blockers.
  18. That find kinda disproves the stussy theory, IMO. It has the crown, but its not really "the S".
  19. Yeah, I'm with everyone else one this one. It was weak in my area. I was bummed. My neighbor put out some candles and some stuff to be "blessed by the moon goddess", so, theres that.
  20. Did this really happen in the way it appears to have happened? If so, dudes is umad and butt hurt. Whatever whatever.
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